How do you make fren memes?

3  2019-05-06 by WeatherfordCast

I’ve been a lurker for too long. I want to make fren memes. They don’t look to terribly hard to make and I have so many ideas. I feel like I could contribute but I’m not sure how to make them? Do I need templates? Microsoft paint? I just don’t even know where to start ): any advice would be appreciated.


download for free, find some apu and try to draw your own, or just change parts and here we go.

Or just draw shit ones on paint.

Oh wow thank you! I’ll get started now.

You can find some on google, you can use Snapchat, Microsoft paint, or photoshop. Or even ask our frens at r/frenrequests :)

Here’s how I make them on my phone:

1st. download adobe mix and adobe fix - they’re 2 free apps that have different features from adobe photoshop (there’s also adobe draw and PS express if you want even more of the Adobe photoshop tools, but I only use mix and fix)

2nd. Google Apu Apustaja, there are countless Apu heads already made so no sense drawing another unless you’re a talented digital artist

3nd take an Apu face to adobe mix and use the cut feature to remove the background so you just have the face

4th I usually download clip art cartoon bodies to put and Apu head on. Google images and vector stock are easy places to find generic or specific cartoon bodies

5th cut out clip art body following step 3. Then add new layer of Apu head.

6th save image and go to photoshop mix. You can color the rest of the body green and paint any details you want to add

7th (optional) find a background to give your fren pic and use the layer image on adobe mix

These apps are both super easy once you get the hang of them. I can make a fren pic in 5-10 minutes now

This is great advice, thanks fren!

I use Frentoshop, fren

Don't wory about being perfect just show how you feel fren and I'm sure you will be fine.