The only thing that's been radicalized, frens, is my sense of humor!

0  2019-05-06 by CallMeTildo


Fren, you spilled mud on your lip!

No fren, that’s the sick ‘stache he’s sporting!



When you have unfrenliness in your heart, all you can see is unfrenliness!

Oh it's definitely not far-fetched or a secret

100 GBP have been awarded to u/CallMeTildo

Hey buddy how do you think words work

thx m8


Completely normal sub

Totally-not-using-baby-talk-in-a-desperate-attempt-to-hide-crypto-fascism sub.

That's what disgusts me the most, they could at least talk normal in the comments.

But if they did that, their cover would be blown!

This way they're totally undercover. No one can tell. /s


This machine kills frens.

Nope. Still don't see nothing related to racism in the slightest on this sub.