My British fren was wondering if fags are allowed in frenworld?

43  2019-05-06 by WakaTXranger


They are very bad for you fren!

my brit fren started taking fags and he's never been the same since. his voice is all different and now he's all icky :(

Sounds scary, it’s too bad more people don’t know that they are bad

Unfortunately they can cause a lot of disease fren! Be safe stay healthy :)

Thanks fren! I did some research and apparently exposing children to fags at young ages can be detrimental to their healthy

A fren would no let child be around dangerous and harmful fags.

Fags must be disposed of, better to bin them and outlaw them than burn them tho.

No smoke fren! Is bad

Frenworld is a smoke free zone

am i the only fren okay with fags

still, dont smoke a fag too much, it adds up and u get unfrenly smoke :(

if u wanna not smoke u can vape or use chewing nicotine, use less until you weaned off. dont go cold turky or your body will feel unfrenly

Every one is welcome here!

Long time member of frenworld here with a small comment:

I know you were trying to make a joke about the word, fren, but this is the kind of stuff nonfrens at topminds use against us. Just be aware of what you’re posting, fren 😁

true britfrens roll their own

Smonking is bad

smokeing will make you unfrenly