Frenly band names

11  2019-05-06 by NotYou19


I am ill so I'm trying to think of frenly band names while in bed. Can you think of band names where you can put fren in, like frentallica, or fren halen?


The frenatics

f.r.e.n.s, frentastic , frenetics



Frens N Roses

Fren Zepplin

Frenly Crue

Bon Frenly

Hope you feel better fren! Get lots of rest and fluids in you, you'll be feeling better in no time. I'll make some chicken noodle soup if you'd want :)

Thank you fren, I need to be better for work tomorrow morning. I don't think I've ever had chicken noodle soup, do you have any good recipes?

Depends on what you have at home fren! You can do something simple like:

  • Boil some noodles or pasta
  • Add some stock of your choice (vegetable, chicken)
  • Add some chicken chunks (if you have them, maybe even tendies could work!)
  • Add some pieces of celery and carrots

And you should be good to go! Some other alternatives are getting a can of soup, which should be much easier.

Other good ideas you can try for feeling better is making some tea with lemon and honey! Or ginger tea could be another thing you can try. But the best thing I've noticed for feeling better is just to get a loot of rest. Hope some of this helps fren :)

Frenwood mac :)

Frens Floyd

Fren Punk