Maths final today wish me luck frens

93  2019-05-06 by HydeDidNothingWrong


good luck fren!

Best of luck fren

'Member fren,

6,000,000 ∴ 1350 = gud

And gud luck!

thx fren

Best wishes fren, here's hoping you do just great. Remember to double check your answers if you have the time! Sometimes I get lazy and don't do it, but I realized that's being nonfrenly to myself! Go get em fren :)

Which math class is it?

Good luck, pass dat test fren!

Member fren Y=mx+b !

You don’t need luck fren you have big brain energy bc you’re a fren 🤠 you got it

Give em hell, fren! A2 + B2 = C2
