We need to band together with three nonfrens. Spread this to every sub you know.

0  2019-05-06 by Sad-Shrimp



Buzzkill can fuck off. No one sees them as legit about anything.

Yeah, I guess the countless press awards back that up, right? All of the awards must be illegitimate. Probably all organizations funded by Hillary Soros.


"No one sees them as legit about anything"

You're free to link a news bias thing, but that really does nothing to uphold the claim that "no one" sees them as legit. Laughable comment, really.

Clearly many people see them as legit. They unfortunately have a problem with image and separating the tabloid-level crap from the legit reporting, but buzzfeed news has won many awards for good reason. You're willfully ignorant to believe otherwise.

It's nice you can have love for them fren. You sound like you might have family working there you sound very proud of them.


Good for you.

Two replies and two diversions from the original statement. Good for you.

you came here for a debate?

that's the next door down fren your boyfriends in TMOR are into that.

Lol. I'm glad that I need to put zero effort in for you to embarrass yourself with a comment like that. I only came to point out your childlike shortsightedness. Seems like a fun cult here.

We frenly here.

