I think I'm being spied on frens :(

81  2019-05-06 by Shoah-LaBeouf


Did someone else make this?

What part? The Apu and Wojak are taken from other places and the comment is real, but I did the shitty background and stuff.


Ok I get it, you took a comment someone else posted and put it there. Stay safe fren

It must be the lunatic non-fren, be careful fren!

Dont lissen to bully fren !

i like your fren-name shoa-labeouf

Careful fren! The cyber police may backtrace your frog and consequences will never be the same!


They’re spying on me too fren :(

All my frenly posts have been brigaded by non-frens

Does that window have magnifying properties in it fren? I can almost see the T(u)MOR user’s brain fren. It’s kind of scary...