What do frens think of cigfrens? On vacation and I can’t stop enjoying smokeytreats :)

26  2019-05-06 by ComebackKid50


I fink it's aight fren, sure it's not healfy but you gotta allow some lil pleasures in your heart when you're a good boi.

Thanks fren, I don’t do Smokeytreats at home but hav to enjoy on vacation with my frens

Good fren get pleasure fren

Thanks fren :)

I think we should consider unhealthy stuff as just long term suicide and some stuff are longer than others to kill you

Cigs are nonfrens, fren. They age your skin, mutate your dna and you are in worse shape overall.

An occasional one won’t hurt, but an addiction is basically killing yourself, fren. Get help pls ❤️

someday soon I will quit but i just quit drugs and booze after being dependent

anything in moderation is ok addiction is nonfren

Glad to hear this fren! Moderation is good and we should also be frens to ourselves and take care of our health, so we can truly be frenly to other frens too :)

Smigerettes harm your lungs, fren. Also they're very addictive.

Go all natural with hemp based pleasures fren

you should try to stop fren, have you tried using nicotine patches or nicotine gum as a replacement? they're healthier than vaping and they're much healthier than smokytreats

I quit 6 months ago fren!!!! Just having some Smokey treats on vacation


They are okay fren, just try your best to get off of them they are bad for you and will bop u

Thanks fren, I don’t do Smokeytreats at home but hav to enjoy on vacation with my frens