I don’t know what to do, frens. It’s all so tiresome, but a kind of tired sleep doesn’t fix.

40  2019-05-06 by SkepticalSceptile


Please, please no fren. Hang in there! That's how the nonfrens win. We need to get you on a fren pill program stat! fren pill

Just try it out, things can get better! Little changes can go a long way! Don't let the nonfrens win. We love you fren, really do <3

Spite the non frens. Live so hard fren

I’m my own nonfren, fren

But not our nonfren

I know how that can be fren. But give the fren pill a shot. A healthy fren mind in a healthy fren body! I know it can seem hard but try making a couple good steps in the right direction. We all love you here fren. Sadly non frens have been getting us to poison ourselves will all sorts of yucky stuff, watching and eating. Get free and you'll be able to feel the love again fren :)

Bad situation make good stories fren. You are important. A tired fren is better then no fren at all.

Stay strong my fren. Life is hard, but there are good times ahead. I am in a very tough spot as well, and we need to do something to get ourselves out! I have been going to the gym for the past 3 months as my outlet and I think it's been helping. It isn't easy my fren and it doesn't come immediately but start a plan to make progress and every little piece of progress you make is amazing! You can do it fren. We all love you here, you are OUR fren.

please fren. every fren, everyone love you and wants to you to feel appreciated, sum may need guidance but that’s it. we love you for who you are fren ❤️

fren, listen to other frens

use moderately if at all: drugs and alcohol porn tobacco fast food etc (get pro help if dependent)

eat frenly foods and regular exercise get sunlight yoga is great just go for a walk

practice mindfulness

take part in frenly creations

*seek Godfren through prayer or meditation

seems like a lot fren, but just try one or all and radically disrupt your lifestyle if you have nothing to lose

Godfren is not a real fren.



Fren, if you need someone to talk I am here for you fren, we all love you, we are all frens here.

My fren we can all make it! It's important that you start taking small steps, make a list of small things you can improve on to begin with <3