Why do they lie about us, frens?

210  2019-05-06 by Cumbria-Strong


oh no fren, they are on to us. shut it down!

Oy vey!

What does that mean fren? Sounds funny


Ahaha . Top minds chase their own tails. Running in circles. Is fun to watch fren. Sit back and enjoy

Why do top minds think HH means **** ****** when it clearly means Honk Honk? We frens just want to shorten these two already very short and easy to type and read words to something that just coincidentally happens to also stand for **** ****** :(

Top minds are so mean :(

Nonfren, you are posing as a fren and acting in bad faith! This is not frenly behavior, I have to say.

Believe me fren, I am definitely very frenly! You are always calling me nonfren, it is not frenly :(

hope the modfrens bop you from the frenostate, nonfren

Hey fren, you are very mean to me :( bops are for nonfrens, I am not a nonfren! Why are frens so mean all the time :( I just want to be frenly here, fren

you work for the interests of the nosefrens >:(

Yknow whats funny is on your subreddits we get banned notice you don't here.

What subreddits, fren? I have no idea what you are talking about. Please show a fellow fren what posts you are referring to.

Your posts on enlightendcentrism and topminds of reddit you absolute brainlet.

What do you mean, fren? Give a fellow fren a link! I never go to the top minds place!

Here's a link you'll enjoy instead r/cuckholding

Fren, why did you revise r/cuckholding to r/cuck? It was giving a very nice result at first!

I see you are very triggered, fren. Please clam down :( You are making very false accusations against me! Lying about frens is what nonfrens do!

Please respond to my other comment, fren. Don't be so mean! It just makes you look like you're projecting your insecurities, probably involving self-esteem related issues, onto others!

Just so we're clear, I'm trolling you and baiting you into getting angrier and angrier. However, given my 10 minute comment timer and very early bedtime (mommy says to sleep by 7), this is probably the last comment I'll be leaving on this godforsaken place. I also honestly feel bad for you. I can only assume how toxic you are in real life judging on how you act on the internet.

Wow my behavior on a stupid meme website where I don't use my real identity totally reflects what I'm like in real life. And there you go using that word every oversensetive faggot likes to use. Toxic. What's toxic is bitching and moaning for censorship of things that gee idk YOU DONT HAVE TO FUCKING LOOK AT.

I also guarantee you are a soylent drinking scrawny beta with problem glasses and at least 1 rick and morty shirt. You probably say shit like yasssss and slay unironically irl. You are an unbearable pants on head retard.

One last reply or two before bed. I can't resist.

Thanks for proving me right. So, so right. The validation I'm getting is almost too much for me.

Why can't you properly respond to the comments of a beta retard? Are you inferior to a soylent drinking scrawny beta retard? Sad!

Lol you must feel like a real fucking hero stickin it to dem ebil alt right incels.


Fren, you shouldn't have taken the bait. Other commenters went to great lengths to avoid doing that. Here's a better, faster link to my comment. Your link doesn't seem to work for me.

Let me make things simple. I'll quote a comment I made earlier, which is essentially the same as the comment chain here:

Hook, line, and sinker, fren. My comment, unsurprisingly, my fren, was never addressed by any frens. Do you or any of your fellow frens care to try?

"I was just pretending to be retarded"

this is probably the last comment I'll be leaving on this godforsaken place

Can't stop coming back? You hate good frens and yet can't get enough, I'd hate to be so frentally ill


Author: /u/userleansbot

Analysis of /u/SheepHerdr's activity in political subreddits over the past 1000 comments and submissions.

Account Created: 2 years, 0 months, 2 days ago

Summary: leans heavy (96.08%) left, and still has a Hillary2016 sticker on their Prius

Subreddit Lean No. of comments Total comment karma No. of posts Total post karma
/r/fuckthealtright left 3 34 0 0
/r/politics left 13 148 0 0
/r/politicalhumor left 8 76 0 0
/r/selfawarewolves left 7 54 0 0
/r/topmindsofreddit left 17 165 0 0
/r/libertarian libertarian 2 19 0 0

Bleep, bloop, I'm a bot trying to help inform political discussions on Reddit. | About


We got him. Good work team.

Uh oh!




Theyve spent hours studying us they should go outside and have fun!

they should go and meet sunfren


I've been loving the drama between /r/topmindsofreddit and /r/frenworld.

I swear I can feel the ambient heat radiating off of their comments, generated by seething anger and keyboard friction.

it really hurts the nonfrens to see happy frens

frens, are we far right ethno nationalists? nobody told me when I came to frenworld, I thought we were just frens to be frenly with


What's the difference?


They hate us cos they ain't us


Honk Honk

Ive been in this sub (on an alt account) for close to a year and ive never heard of fren used like that. lmao the nonfrens created their own meme.

What subreddits, fren? I have no idea what you are talking about. Please show a fellow fren what posts you are referring to.