Frens... I notice things, and I'd like to stop noticing things.

51  2019-05-06 by Throwaway847756438


What are you noticing, fren? Mean facts and patterns about certain groups of frens?

Oh fren. I try to name the nonfren.... But every time I just shut it down.

I'm here for you fren 😀

Thanks fren! 🐶 Boop not bop

anti-frenism is the war on noticing things. stay strong fren

But I am frenemy 😢. I am nosefren.

Frens dont use throwaway accounts

The adfrens shoahed all my accounts associated with two email addresses. Like 20 accounts banned overnight. I was too good of a fren....

Remember fren. Only the fake, secular nosefrens are the nonfrens.

There's a great book which addresses the divide between the real frens: the religious nosefrens, and the nonfrens: the secular nosefrens, by Rabbi Daniel Lapin called America's Real War

I am very familiar with the differences. More than you could ever possibly know, fren.

Consider yourself blessed then, fren.

Unburden yourself, knowing you are not the enemy. Cling to tanakh and qabalah, and do not feel like you must identify with the enemy if you are committed to not being the enemy.

I don't fren, I'm just meming. I know the non-frens, and gradually, I began to hate them.

Stay strong fren. Show the light to those who seek guidance, but remember to not cast your pearls before swine

Sigh, fren. You right.

Sometimes I feel just like LowAPFren.

Have a hug fren

its okay fren one day everyone will notice things

Wait a minute Frens. "Throwaway" I feel nonFren activity here

How dare you. I'll have you know the adfrens shoahed six gorillion of my accounts, leaving me this shell of a alt. My online existence has been deplatformed, and my frens past have been taken from me. Read my first post on this account, to realize my own personal honkler-caust.