I like dogs. They aren’t meanies and they only sometimes chew your nutsack.

528  2019-05-05 by Sad-Shrimp


I have never experienced this problem personally but I'm glad you like dogs too fren


I had two dogs and even though that they're gone I think about them often. They were great frens!

Once a fren, always a fren. Even on the other side.

Same. I miss my beagle friends





I miss my frens :(

haha fuck I had to edit that.

please watch your langwidge fren!!

is tawkeen wike a baybee a wequirement for fwenworld?

Haha good catch, it's okay even frens make mistakes!

Fren I will train your dog to not bite your nutsack.

Thank fren

Dog truly is mans bes fren

Fren, did you put peanut butter on your nutsack again?


Bad fren, bad

Peanut butter

Oh no I wouldn't want any chews in frenworld!


dogs are warm and frenly i don't like all of them though sometimes they bop my frens without warning

Dogs chew on nutsacks?

Aren't you that idiot that thought they could convince TMOR that r/aww was a hate sub?

You all are a bunch of dumbshits, I hope you know that.

No matter how much you devolve your speech patterns into baby talk, no matter how many mspaint drawings you make, you're all still painfully and obviously bad faith actors who view the world through the smallest piece of filthy, broken, infected glass you could pull out of a landfill.

Get fucked, if you're even capable of it.

If not, fuck yourselves.

I hope you escape that pool of negativity you're drowning in, fren.

This dude literally roleplays as a "leftist" in an attempt to do...something.

Oh, and this sub is another mask for the alt-right.

You can get fucked too, no one outside of this sub actually believes this transparent "positivity" shtick you guys pull around here.

i shall remember you in my prayers, fren

I think you have an unhealthy mindset. I hope you are happier someday fren.

I'm healthier than a bunch of baby-talking idiots who exclusively speak in meme, that's for sure.

You need to lighten up, you’re too grumpy

You need to take life a bit more seriously, not everything is a joke, especially hate filled memes, regardless of how ironic you're using them.

It doesn't matter what you do with these frogs now, you all know what you let the alt-right use them for, and that's what they now represent.

A few years ago most people in this sub would have mocked and scoffed at a hippy dippy teacher treating her kindergarten students in a hippy dippy fashion, and the very concept of kumbaya style feel good circle jerks, now you're all sitting around the campfire yourselves pretending to be wholesome.

It's completely transparent.

You want to put some good vibes into this world? Take it seriously, doing it ironically to "own libs" or something is a waste of your time.

Someone needs a hug

but baby tawkeen ees fun, fwendo!

This post is literally just "I like dogs"

You like dags?

the smallest piece of filthy, broken, infected glass you could pull out of a landfill. Care to elaborate?

Sure, you contain your world view to a window that is small and covered in shit.

Need a hug?

Your hippy kumbaya act is transparent, you'd scoff at any childs classroom you saw this behavior in, you'd scoff if you ran into an actual male human being admitting he needed a hug in the real world.

You really need a hug don’t you


goo goo gaga i am fren


Dogs are a frens best fren

Yes yes fren

Bad fren, bad