Ascended Brain Fren does a small investigation (._.)

1  2019-05-05 by okenahanash

Alright, We are all hearing about "Cherrypicking" from our sub, mainly posts that are months old and highlighted posts that are barely up voted or ignored altogether. But fear not Frens, r/AgainstHateSubreddits and r/TopMindsOfReddit has stuff that is just as terrible! This L I G H T research project is for the sake of proving that yes, they are in fact a hate subreddits themselves.


Lets start with the easy ones! Starting with The crazies that defend the deaths of millions and a figure FAR worse than Hitler was! Fascism=bad SO Socialism and communism=Bad so according to them, this should condemn their sub!


u/darwinianfacepalm argues that Staling does not represent socialism! What a champ!


Blatant Homophobia and bullying, with a nice hint of racism! That'll teach those racists homophones!


Oh dear me! Telling someone to kill themselves? It could just be a plant, but if we are to judge them by their standards than......plant or no plant, it's their fault!


Hate: feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone). So says a simple google search! Watch this brave user battle hatred, while at the same time, showing his big brain as a top mind! You slay buddy, fight those bullies!


I thought we where supposed to be changing minds, not wishing for demise. Courage and integrity is what this user has as they point out their dream!! Silly user! Did he not know that his comment was public? Irony at its Finest!


And in the same thread no less! This user argues in bad faith, insulting people for what they perceive as "Poor genetic Diversity!" Last I checked, that is racism. We better get r/AgainstHateSubreddits on this!


Speaking of cancer, Our friends that accuse us of visceral hate decided to post this gem directed at u/spez.

Subs have been banned for much less!


This KIND activist, boldly fighting hatred in his soylent steps! Observe as he uses his big brain and hoping for terror attacks AND the death of a knight!

Have at thee indeed!


My gosh! This one is a lovely piece with 95+ upvotes? Such vile ruse language! People can be bad, but we at frenworld never demean in such tasteless fashion

(OP he is responding to is actually hateful in this, but responses are tasty nonetheless)



And all of these comments are still up and active? How unfrenly! All this in only ten minutes no less! And the best part? If this post gets ANY traction whatsoever than we can wait and see the polite and pleasant names that we will be showered with by the top minds of reddit. Why make this frens? Just so we can all get an idea of who is calling us the hateful ones! All of you, even the unfrenly lurkers, have great worth and everyone deserves frenship! Don't let these unfrenlys get us down!