I'm gonna do it frens, I'll confess my love to her tomorrow. Wish me luck.

3606  2019-05-05 by CalebEditor


user reports: threatening or inciting violence

Hey TopMinds. Bop yourselves.

topminds are made to be frens

hatefrens are made to be bopped


Easy fren, turn off MacBook.

How ?

Because they don't have two brain cells to run together, that's how

That’s some hella irony there, mod.

Good luck fren.

dont stand in the middle of road fren you might get bopped


Oh no fren

honk honk

Ey I’m walkin’ here!

Uncle Nicky!

hi frens!

Honk honkler

Watch out fren!

This is actually humorous to you guys?

Hi nonfren 👋 we can be frens when you are ready 😀

Ready for what man, ya'll just acting like retarded frog babies. Literally nothing else goin' on here. Do you have hobbies or, like interests besides role playing as children?

It's fun to us fren, but if writing essays why we are evil is a better hobby to you go ahead :)

I’m sorry fren. We’re all frenly here, no need to be negative.

Be honest fren.

You got a fren in me fren



Good luck fren report back on this post wheb done

*when dobe

Good luck fren you got this :)

Best wishes fren! And don't worry no matter what happens, there's a plan for you fren :)

That's very positive.

Thank you, fren :)


are u ok fren? did it go good?

We believe in you :))

Good luck my fren!

please report back fren

She said she likes me too fren!

I have a girfriend now !!

Good job fren

Proud of you, fren!


Good shit fren!


Good work fren! Do best!


Yes fren! I’m so proud!

Many luck Fren, pls post results

Much luck fren, much luck!

Good luck fren!

good luck

Hi fren, be confident and sincere. Show her your feelings and stay calm! It doesn't matter what happens tomorrow, we are here for you :) I wish you luck fren!

Came to say this fren. Stay confident, masculine, and real. Almost be too confident. Something like, “hey ladyfren, id like to take you out for a frenly dinner, where you wanna go?”
Don’t jus confess love out of the blue. That’s a lil awkward.

Tell us what happens fren!!

good luck fren

Awesome! She’s gonna say yes

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Best of luck frien! I hope she feels the same way as you!

Hope it goes well fren :)

Masturbate and then think if you really want to do this. Post-nut clarity is real.

Frenly advice

Not a bad idea fren

good luck fren, its not as hard as you think

good luck! i hope you two will have a good life together

How the hell can those topminds retards think this community is alt-right

By cherry picking some bad posts that some edgy frens produce. They’re basically generalizing us over a couple of rotten apples, over the fresh, clean apples if you get what I am saying.

And quite often the bad apples are what they themselves literally create

The free speech sub had some idiot spam a post:

You seem to left a blank piece of text after the “The free speech sub had some idiot spam a post:” sentence, fren!

Yeah my b

The post was "stupid negroes can go literally eat dirt"


Think if Top Toots Of Reddit were to find out, they would claim r/freespeech to be a not see subreddit too, fren?

Here's a sneak peek of /r/FreeSpeech using the top posts of the year!

#1: This guy about to get banned from twitter | 124 comments
#2: ­
#3: When You Offend Someone in 2019 | 28 comments

I'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact me | Info | Opt-out

People getting along = "alt right Nazis"

If we love each other and have a good frenly community, why would we need far-left social programs telling us what to think?

"If a lot of people love each other, the world would be a better place to live." - Best Movie fren

Co-star of Best Frens :)

Yea i got banned from top minds for trying to defend this place it just seems like a bunch of egotistical nonfrens over there

Nonfrens hate what they don't understand.


If you mix a small amount of poison in with a bunch of potable water... sure, it’s water, but it’s poisoned water.

Ignorant people imbibing something which makes them unwell, and ignorant people peddling it = Alt-right clownery.

fren. plz update i’m hoping everything goes right for you. and we will be here for you.

Keep us updated fren


!RemindMe 24 hours

These never end well.

Don’t be so negative fren, we must all support our frens no matter what.

That's not true fren. If a fren is about to do something stupid you should at least let them know

user name check out!!!!!

Go fren!

good luck fren

I wish you luck fren!

Another martyr! May God bless him.

!RemindMe 24 hours

You got this fren, just be yourself :)

Don’t worry fren, everything will be ok, if you ask and she says yes, then you happy, if you ask and she say no, at least you asked and won’t have any regrets

Let us Kno how it goes fren :)

Tell us how it goes

Wish you luck fren!

Very wholesome, why do nonfrens want to take this away from us? :(


Best of luck fren!!!

Good luck fren. Remember if she says no, there are plenty of other frens who'll say yes

you got dis fren!

Good luck fren

Godspeed my dear fren

You can do it fren.

Best of luck fren 🙏🏽

Gl, fren! Hope she loves you back!

Find happiness fren

I wish you luck, fren!


!RemindMe 24 Hours

Hey good luck man! you got this!

Best of luck commrade! I hope she loves you too!

!remindme 24

such romance in the air, i must share a lovely poem with you fren.

If Thou Must Love Me

By Elizabeth Barrett Browning

If thou must love me, let it be for nought

Except for love's sake only. Do not say

I love her for her smile ... her look ... her way

Of speaking gently, ... for a trick of thought

That falls in well with mine, and certes brought

A sense of pleasant ease on such a day'—

For these things in themselves, Beloved, may

Be changed, or change for thee,—and love, so wrought,

May be unwrought so. Neither love me for

Thine own dear pity's wiping my cheeks dry,—

A creature might forget to weep, who bore

Thy comfort long, and lose thy love thereby!

But love me for love's sake, that evermore

Thou may'st love on, through love's eternity.

Good luck fren

Good luck

Good luck fren

Go get her fren!! For all of us

Posting in ebin bread, best of lucks fren!

Good luck fren! Dress up nice and make sure to tell us frens how it goes!

Good luck, Fren! You can do it!

Good luck fren! Not that you need any :)

Good luck, update us tomorrow, !remindme 24 hours

So sweet! Wishing you the best!



Tell us how it goes fren


Good luck fren! I’m sure you’ll sweep her off her feet!

Be confident fren you got dis

I've been holding that insider for 4 years. You're a very brave fren! Hope all goes well!

Good luck fren we love, and support you

Good luck fren

Good luk fren

we believe in you, fren, you can do it!

Congratulations fren, hope you will have some cute frenlings together!


Good Luck Fren and let us know what happens.

We also love u fren

good luck fren

Good luck fren. Hope you have a frenly relationship

I'd confess interest over love, ease into it

Boutta do some extra frenly stuff up in here

Good for you, fren.


!RemindMe 24 hours

Good luck fren, I never had the courage to confess.

You can do it fren


Report back fren :)

Good luck, Fren.

I got broken with tonight fren.

I’m so sorry for you fren. Do you want a milshake fren?

I just want a will to live fren.

You’ll be fine fren. Remember there’s almost 4 billion girls or guys. You’ll find a new one

Good luck fren! We're all rootib for you!

Good luck fren! I believe in you!

Good luck fren hope u have a wonderful date or whatever fren


Good luck fren! I hope it works out for you :)

go get em, big cat!

!remind me 24 hours

oh god

Good luck frens!! And remember to stay calm! Also tell us how it was later

Do it fren, get a girl fren or frenancé

Looks like a good to-be girlfren!

secure the relationship fren, just dont spill your spaghetti all at once, ease into it :))))

Good luck fren love is a beautiful thing.

Good luck, fren!

Luck being wished upon you.

good luck fren I ask pretty girl to prom tomorrow too

Gl my fren

best of luck fren!

!RemindMe 24 hours

Good luck fren

Step 1: Check if you have ever had meaningful contact with them.

Step 2: Do the stuff.


!RemindMe 5760 hours

You can do this fren!

!RemindMe 24 hours


good luck fren!

Be frenly and she'll be frenly back

Good luck fren!

Hope she becomes your girlfren

Good luck fren

You've got this fren


good luck!

Don’t do it fren she must say that 4 letter word first else she gets bopped

How did it go fren?

Go and make this fren a, fren with benefits.

Good luck

Good luck fren!

Good luck fren, you have more bravery than all of us.

Good luck my nigga

Good luck buddy!

good luck fren

good luck fren!

Godspeed fren.

Tell us how did it go fren ^

God I'm so lonely

How’d it go?

Top minds: Ther sub is full uv race see sim!!!!

Fren world:

Fren how did it go?

UPDATE: She likes me too frens!!! I'm so happy!!!


How’d it go fren?

Goob luck fren

Came to say this fren. Stay confident, masculine, and real. Almost be too confident. Something like, “hey ladyfren, id like to take you out for a frenly dinner, where you wanna go?”
Don’t jus confess love out of the blue. That’s a lil awkward.