When you join topmindsofreddit when you first start reddit becuase you think it’s discussions about science and math but it’s just boolis who hate on frenly frog

637  2019-05-05 by Nyaa_UwU



they tricked u fren, but its okay we no trick u here

Some of them are the frens in disguise that pretend to play yahtzee. They want us to be seen as yahtzee players. A true fren is a fren to all games.

Well said fren

Funny thing is that they use all white dice in their game of Yahtzee and don’t even realize it.

a good way to see if someone is a true fren or not is /u/userleansbo.t with no dot at the end.

Someone will say they are a fren, but then you do that and they have 11k karma in TopMinds or AgainstFrenSubreddits

Honestly any subreddit that unironically calls itself the top anything is a joke.

Top minds = mockingly calling the people they post about top minds because a false sense of superiority is the only thing that brings them happiness.

they are the real supremacists fren.

They are the true nonfrens.


"TopMinds" is in reference to the people they're making fun of. They're being sarcastic.

Why does no one understand irony anymore?

haha guys i'm x

that's really fucking dumb

no no no, you'd don't understand, i'm doing it IRONICALLY. you just don't understand cuz you're a cringe-ass bruh normie.

They're calling their opponents "top minds" ironically, not themselves.

if i change "i'm" to "you're", do you think that makes it any better

You're changing the subject. My complaint with the original comment was about subs calling themselves "the top of anything."

They're not calling themselves the top minds. End of story.

But yes, it is better. Because they're making fun of stupids who think they're smart, not claiming to be geniuses themselves.

if they're ironically calling the subs they bully "the top minds of reddit" then where do you think that places them? the same thing could be accomplished by unironically called themselves that, but it's just more obvious and direct.

But they're not ironically calling themselves geniuses. That's my point.

It would be a problem if they thought that pointing out the lowest, dumbest people on the planet made them geniuses. But I defy you to find posts or comments on TMoR where users are claiming to have "high IQ scores" or are even claiming to be smarter than average.

You don't have to explicitly say "I'm smarter than you" to imply it.

Example: When you say someone is dumb, you imply that you are smarter than them. Otherwise you would just be a bully. So this is a subreddit about people saying they are smarter than group X, or a subreddit of bullies. Doesn't make them more likable

Being smarter than the alt right isn't impressive. I think everyone on TMoR would agree. Regardless, the people they're making fun of are the ones who go on about IQ scores.

Yeah, just like saying I'm smarter than a downs kid. It's not impressive, it's a disgusting superiority complex.

I think everyone on TMoR would agree.

Doesn't make it better to make fun of people who are not gifted with intelligence. Not everyone can be.

They're not making fun of autistic kids though are they? They're making fun of nazis, white supremacists, and mysogenists.

Yeah. But think about it, please. Dumb people will say hateful things. Thats just how it goes. By mocking them you antagonise them, instead of leading by example. No good is to be created by mocking someone. For me, they are just as bad as the people they are mocking.


I guess following everyone else’s opinion and finding sources makes you a top mind. If that’s the truth then anyone can be a top mind fren

Top sheep

Top non frens of rabbit

top fleas on rabbit.

Just because they not frens doesn’t mean we should call them insects fren :0

We are acceptin here fren

I joined because to them its a deplatforming subreddit but to me its like a better /r/bestof



You're changing the subject. My complaint with the original comment was about subs calling themselves "the top of anything."

They're not calling themselves the top minds. End of story.

But yes, it is better. Because they're making fun of stupids who think they're smart, not claiming to be geniuses themselves.

if they're ironically calling the subs they bully "the top minds of reddit" then where do you think that places them? the same thing could be accomplished by unironically called themselves that, but it's just more obvious and direct.