Aloha Frens I am a Pineapple Fren and im looking to see if there are more frens out there. Comment if your also Pineapple fren

25  2019-05-05 by ThisAintWeezy


I'm not a pineapple fren, fren but I can be your corn fren pen fren

Do you know any pineapple frens which I can be fren with along with you, im knew to have frens so I want to be all.

What's piesaple fren?

I friend that come from island of America where we do fren hip dance and eat pineapple fren.

That sounds like fun fren, maybe mommy can drive me their! Is it a far away place like Florida?

it farther then florida frens we are the pinapple frens in hawaifrenworld

Dude I literally was just a pineapple fren and I moved. What island?

Niihau fren

Forreal? I didn’t even know there was anybody out there fren. I was on oahu and Maui.

Forreal? I didn’t even know there was anybody out there fren. I was on oahu and Maui.