Last drink- 124 days ago. Last cigarette- 97 days. Last weed and fap-4 days. 89% to spiritual ascension. My aura is a golden hue. This morning I astral-projected my spirit to Japanese zen garden. I took this picture of myself with my mind and sent it to my phone to share. Life is good frens!

1005  2019-05-05 by CyberPreston


Take the frenpill

Nice, fren! Keep going, you're doing the bravest thing, which is to insist on taking good care of yourself. In a culture of self-abusers of various kinds, that's pretty cool.

i wish i was as enlightened as you fren. Maybe you will become a smartfren and help us convince nonfrens!

I don't think going that long without drinking is healthy fren

Frenly to your body and mind. This is how frenly life is supposed to be.

Great advice fren! You can't be a good fren to others if your not frenly to yourself too :)

I’m jealous of all that feng shui fren

freng shui

Keep bettering yourself fren, we all proud


Getting close to samadhi, fren

One must have an Iron will to master nature and themselves being part of that nature, degenerate habits such as drugs and porn will deplete you of your firey will to life, and we all know who pushes porn and drugs on us.



Fren, I follow your steps

Your last fat was 4 days ago?! Geez, you really have the control of your mind

hes gone mad. all the semen he has stored up has filled his brain.

"Thus, a good fren, though a slave, is free; but a wicked non-fren though a king, is a slave. For he serves, not one man alone, but, what is worse, as many masters as he has vices"

I hope you fail and start drinking again

Thats not a frenly thing to say non-fren

A swift bop

I missed what this non-fern said


do you do the Chinese tugging technique fren?

Good job, fren! Keep it up!

Good job fren I am proud

The mind and body, a temple. Well done fren.

I take it that you have given up on trying to get laid. That's sad, very sad.

Namaste, peace fren

One aspires to transcend to this level of frenship. Keep fighting the good fight fren!!!

one day you'll get to this level

Good Job!

Giving up porn has been great for me, my QT girlfriend hates porn and gladly gave it up!

Hey fren, you can astral project to my house and we can listen to some Alan Watts if you want.

Your aura is just as frenly as it is golden

Last drink: 365 or so days ago. Last cigarette: uh, bout 2 hours ago. Last weed and fap- 20 years, never done both at same time? Sounds trippy

Good work fren!

Help me with the first part

U can fap fren, but gus on u for the rest

good job, frensei

Eat healthy and go to the gym for maximum body frenliness

i never drank or smoked. So i have ascended?


Cut out the weed, fren. Been over a year now for me. Haven’t looked back

You might want to fap more regularly my dude. You're putting yourself at risk of prostate cancer.