Oh no! I dropped my lunch!!

198  2019-05-05 by ExpertSurprise


oh no fren, I hope it's not ruined :(

You can share mine if you like

Thanks fren! Ur very good fren.

Did a new fren trip you? Nonfrens are bullies

Idk, maybe nonfren was right bc I not see wut happened. I had everything I wanted then *POOF* it was all gone.

Don't worry, fren. If you are hungry , we can share my food.

Im gald to see frens eating healty food

I see what you did there fren.

I dindu nuffin fren I swear! It was totally an accident!! Guess I'll just have to eat teddies since I ruined all that yucky yummy food!

Do you have something else to eat, fren?

The banana is still clean on the inside

I'll buy you lunch fren, dont worry

Fren, it ok, we go to wendys fren!

This picture gives me the spooks for some reason...

5 seconds fren! Hurry!

I think sumone cut your apple in half in the air

Have some of my lunch fren !

go back to le merchant and buy more fruit fren

Oh nose!