I was banned for 3 day (actually 5) for a harmless post on here.

8  2019-05-05 by bigmactv

I posted a picture of a pepe aiming at the camera and said that the nonfrens have been hurting us for long enough or something along those lines and that they have to prepare for the worst. It was so fucking obvious that it was for fun, but i still got a 3 day ban, which actually lasted 5 fucking days.


Sorry fren, they will bend the rules for their allies but apply them twice as hard for everyone else.🤡🌎

true true

Same here, I posted an ‘off topic’ picture which was a quote related to friendly attitude and they banned me for 7 days. I messaged them saying it is very mean and why 7 days and they muted me for 72 hours.

Your picture doesn't sound very frenly my fren. Rather threatening. No need to threaten fren, non frens will use this of proof of your unfrenlyness.

It was a joke fren. If people can't take a joke they can frick off.

Sure. I also don't think you had bad intentions. I just don't think it's a productive way of interacting with other people. Just like telling people to frick off. Don't you want to lead non frens by example so they can see and admire the frenly way?

Yeah you're right.

We must be frenly, fren! love u

true! luv u 2