Frens pls come and sit with me, I can't eat all these tendies by myself.

533  2019-05-05 by Flypflap91


I'll help you fren

Thanks fren

enjoy but watch out they are spicy

Cant be as spicy as the anti-frens at Top Minds

I will get you a drink fren

I’m not hungry fren but i’ll sit with you for the company then maybe we can hang out after

Pass the tendies fren

Hello fren do you also have spicy wings? I really like spicy wings

i only have the spicy ones fren :)


Thanks so much for sharing! What's your favorite dipping sauce fren?

for tendies? hunny mussy of course, fren

So good!

ah a fellow fren of culture i see. . .

An excellent choice fren

Hey fren I don’t think there are enough seats for all of us Do you mind if I sit on the floor?

you can sit on the floor fren but then me and the other frens will sit on the floor as well :)

The best tendies are when new ones are just pulled out of the frier, I always like to go on busy days because of this.

Thanks fren

I hope you enjoyed your chicken fren.

Let’s go share our tendies with anti-frens maybe they will like tendies

Yes you can fren I believe in you.

I will totes sit with you. I'm really into collecting old cast iron pans right now, fren. I might talk your ear off about that. Fair warning.

for tendies? hunny mussy of course, fren

So good!

ah a fellow fren of culture i see. . .

An excellent choice fren