Frens! The nonfrens are accusing us of having the same views as the person who made a comic we used. Whatever we do they keep accusing us! What should we do?

58  2019-05-05 by demmuvsdo


It's just a cute edit! Stop the hate

They are top minds, they are too smart for us! I’m sorry fren, Nothing to do

Some of the comments about under that post they are talking about are going to get this sub bopped frens

Those going to other subs pretending to be frens are secretly not so frens. They do things to put us frens in danger.

Better get bopped on your feet than to live on your knees

It’s fun to make all the fags on this website get so emotionally hurt they want to ban, censor, and brigade against it. It’s great to make them feel uncomfortable. As long as I can, I will.

they are using guilty by association because they only think as groups not as individualls. very sad.

Are they familiar with r/stonetossantifa?
