why must non frens be so mean? :(

916  2019-05-05 by imnotinnocent


i wish clownfrens would be more frenly to us

Be frebly with clownfrens, and clownfren be frenly with you

Clownfrens are just a bit crazy, the only reason we went to war is because they invaded frenworld, we have made peace now with controlled clownfren immigration. now we have . . . WORLD PEACE IN FRENWORLD.

ClownFrens must wear a mask when they are in public so as not to be seen and doxxed as frens, its important that while wearing the mask for so long that they don't also BECOME the mask.

it's all masks all the way back to skull, fren.


sorry fren but referencing Sam Hyde is something that they use to mark us as Yahtzees. Please refrain from referencing things that they think are hateful, even if they aren't true.

i just want world peace fren. i don't know what a Hyde is


clownfrens are nihilists, and nihilists are frens. 30,000 years of homo sapiens sapiens and it required the fucking internet to figure out that mores and agendas have always been all bullshit all the way down. coming next on the internet: what do? clownfrens are good men, but have no answers. if nothing else, frens have love.

Ignorance blinds them. Don't directly confront them. Show them some love, and this will dishevel their thought process. You see, they think we're full of "hate".

We are being stereotyped!

To overcome this, we need to show them that love will conquer. I've come to the conclusion that we can't tell them "Can we be frens?", but rather, we have to first agree with them certain of our shortfalls, and admit to it.

We have to change their mindest. I know this as I was a former NPC myself.

I messaged a non fren and showed them nothing but love, and they verbally abused me when I did nothing but turn the other cheek.

I can't do this anymore fren, I'm starting to think they'll never accept us.

I guess it's also wise to learn when to turn the other cheek. Don't let yourself be abused. Fight back is you have to, just don't start one.

Cheers to living in this society.

Jesus Christ you guys are horrifying here. You aren't even subtle you are openly Nazis. How has this sub not been shut down

Now my wife's son is crying. Thanks, 'frens'.

Why are you guys doing this

Doing what exactly? Beeing frenly?

Wait this is serious? I thought your last post was ironic.

Anyway, get rekt libtard.

what in the hell are you talking about ? youre comming off a little crazy fren, here have a frenpill 🐸

I know your game here it isn't smart.

What game fren? We just want to be frens!

im not trying to be smart fren, im trying to be frenly, and i am SUCCEEDING.

We may not be smart fren but we sure are FRENLY! :)

"Just live peacely, but don't let yourself be abused You guys are horrifying

I guess idiot naturally fear what can't comprend



Welcome non-fren! One day you too will become a fren :)

We have all of us here fren!

It's ok fren, you can always come to us when you need a fren or a hug

Thank you fren, I appreciate you guys.

What shortfalls do you think we need to admit too? The bullshit clowns and honkler posters? I Wana know what you think I need to admit to.

1300 word essay with countless links

Imagine unironically doing that

Is there a link to that? holy shit thats fucking hilarious.

What a fucking joke, I'm not even on the list.

Please fren, don’t use swear words. They scare me fren.

When will people learn that linking to content on reddit, is literally the point of a link aggregator like reddit?

Love the double standard since fph got banned for exactly that reason

Thank you for that! I needed a good laugh. There's no greater joy than watching White people in a moral panic.

That looks a little spicy. Are we the bad guys?

topmindsofreddit is mostly translation from hebrew, fren

despite being 13% of the frenworld, honkfren cause over 50% of brigading

And this is why we call you racists.

This doesn't make any sense fren

You don't know what 13% is in reference to?

Please enlighten me fren


Seems like 109 countries disagree with you fren. You should Google 109 countries and see which ones


Statistics and hate facts should be banned




The clown frens are still frens, they just have a really weird sense of humor

I had no idea we were supposed to be subtle.


Those guys belong on /r/iamverysmart


I think that some bonkers are becoming nonfrens by false flagging the frens. The poor nonfrens at TMoR could be frens if they figured this out. I hope they learn that so they can be frenly with us.

im a fren supremacist, i want all frens to succeed and be happy

honk honk fren

because the fucking clowns keep antagonizing them. BOP ALL CLOWNS

As someone that also confused r/clownworld with r/frens this makes complete sense

You don't know what 13% is in reference to?