I'm confused frens, help

32  2019-05-05 by MobilePenor


I had some kid messaging me last night telling me I hate the Jews and I’m an anti-semite white supremacist because I am associated with this sub, his exact words were “guilty by association my guy” — honestly you just have to laugh. Politics, especially associative politics, is the most fucking retarded place that you will find people. I’m a bigot, a racist <Jews aren’t a race, they are a religion> and a homophobe and so on, according to that man from last night. I just laughed at him, got bored of humouring him and blocked him.

Fren, take my advice. Ignore them.


top minds dont know how we breathe theyre not so smarties after all https://www.brown.edu/Departments/Engineering/Courses/En123/MuscleExp/Frog%20Respiration.htm

This needs to be pinned so that whenever one of them goes here, they get frenpilled

So great, fren. I'm taking the frenpill!