Frens I think I figured out why they hate us... they're being brainwashed!

204  2019-05-05 by Shoah-LaBeouf


Very clever fren. Brilliant discovery. When shall we infiltrate the educatory system?

We can't.

The prejudice against us is stubborn and tenacious. We are painted as the villain. New complications? Take the easy way out by blaming it on "alt-right frens"! Blinded by hypocrisy.

3 solutions:

  • Either we become like them (and become mere mouthpieces for their agenda)
  • We distance ourselves from the "alt-right" (but they need our support. United we stand, divided we fall)
  • We remain (hold our ground, prepare for battle, die with glory, like how our forefathers would, dying to protect something they so dearly treasured)

Good boi point for investigation !

at least it's not Furry Rapist w/ Ethiopian Dildo

i don't think they would hate that

Fren, we are frens, not freds

oh no fren. you are not supposed to reveal our secret codes.

H - Haunting O - Owl N - Near K - Kinfolk HONK

Fren I think you spelled the E backwards

Fren- FReakin Epic Nerd



Really nice guys

Excitement at success of fellow frens

North American Free Trade Agreement was the worst trade deal

That.... That was funny fren

Impossible. They are disguising as clowns to cause mass-bopping within us.

The top minds cracked the secret code again!!! Argh! Truly brilliant.

Holy shit one of TMoR's mods is actually rolling with this.

Oh boy, can't wait for the non-frens to take this out of context and call us yahtzees again.

This was based on a post from tmor, they made it up

The clowns are here, for good or bad you must decide