Reddit boomers will never understand Apu. But there is one boomer that does.

1160  2019-05-05 by FoxDieEeE


I've noticed some certain reddit subs still obsessed, trying to plant their own image of "what it means" It's like these people just got internet access and have no idea what a meme is.

"Kids these days just don't get memes like we did."




Respect. Thank you for standing up for a good and honest subreddit.

Is that the family yuut fren?

Quake was a good game

Happy cakeday fren

Hopefully it was a quakeday! :o


quake champions is a good game

is that you Joe "Smoke DMT right now" Rogan?

No fren, I am not the drug podcaster man

So many fun memeories...

I'm a boomer fren and I understand.

I’m new, can someone tell me why Apu is?

The frog, his name is Apu. Apu means helper. You probably confused him with Pepe, most newcomers do.

u/xScopLess It is actually Apu Apustaja, which is Finnish for "Help Helper".

Oh, I thought apu was the other guy. Who is that guy then?

The shirtless guy is boomer, a representation of baby boomers that are outdated, they like deemed out stuff and think they know everything about life when most of what they say would only have been relevant 20 years ago

So nice of you to help me out fren, thank you

you're a good fren :)

Sip Nah thats the thirty year old boomer

Boomer meme transcends meaning

Thats how powerful it is

Not all boomers are nonfrenly, fren. *sips boomer juice*


nice dodge charger fren

make sure not to crash and always honk that horn when driving fast.


your fren

-HH (Hulk Hogan)

Can gen Z be fren?

I have some lays we can share :D

Zoomers are welcome but no Lil Pump music pls!!!

lil pump bad. lil fren is the best!!!

lil pum?

more like lil dump haha

is that a 30 year old boomer or a 60 year old boomer

30 year old boomer who looks 60

The only way to tell is by what time of day they mow the lawn on a saturday

Der Boomer.

The Boomer is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a Old, parasite, 30 year old, retired, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Boomer and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

So nice of you to help me out fren, thank you

Sip Nah thats the thirty year old boomer