Doctor Goldstein told me soy is a good source of nutrients!

52  2019-05-05 by ScuffedRomanReigns


Beware fren, sounds bad

But he has important degree from Soylent University

Echo University?

just words on paper fren, cook fresh food at home

How come I never see Dr Goldstein drinking the soy of he says it is good for you???





Stop asking questions, fren


No fren don’t drink that

i am confusion

I have a farm of goybeans! I make the best goy milk in town fren!

Goy > soy

Fren, you’re starting to grow milk bags 👙

can you convince frens on the internet youll be their girlfren for a premium snap subscription? Gotta have a convincing butt fren

Trans meme?

Trans memes belong in r/honkler or r/clown_world

Put the non fren juice down! It's what all the non frens drink and it makes them sad!


Yees good goyim drink it its (((((healthy)))))

People with precious metals in their last name are not your frens.

Giving them ammo

Oh no fren stop letting mod give you super girl juice

Trans memes belong in r/honkler or r/clown_world