I Just Wanted Some Frens :,(

328  2019-05-05 by StrikingPost


Its okay fren we love you

Love you fren! We are here for you. You arent alone.

I love you both

they hate us frens and project that

its sad :(

Sorry, fren.


Don't worry fren, that nonfren is just projecting



aww, is this projecting incel mad at me for being frenly? ohhh nooo, here, have a tissue


Big meanie non fren! Get out of fren world for the 88th time!



Legitimately take the time to think about what you have told someone to do. I know it's the internet and we're pretty desensitized, but come on.


He deleted account. Maybe he killed himself lmao.

Thats a fucked up thing to say, especially in reply to someone denouncing his suicide jokes.

Nono he is contemplating why he turned down the hand we frens extended.

I hope not

Stop projecting fren, we all love eachother here.

Unlike the places you frequent, where even slightly not conforming to the circlejerk will get you shunned and hated


Did you Just told two persons to kill themselves when you could use that time to do something usefull with your life? Or maybe you're just a pathetic little kid sitting in his bedroom on his brand new phone or pc that mommy just bought you, thinking you're sooo cool Beacause you can insult people on internet without any consequences? Well let me tell ya something pal. There is so many things you could do with your life. You could read a book. You could talk with someone close to you. You could start getting new friends. You could do anything you could imagine right now, but instead you're wasting your time on internet being a mean little piece of shit. You're telling people to end something that you don't know how to use properly. Please, turn off your device, and go out, explore something more than inside of your pants when mommy is not at home, and start actually doing something with your pathetic life

Don’t preach to me you little alt right dipshit. These people are cringeanarchy refugees. If one of them tags my user name and gets me spammed with nazi bullshit I’m going to tell them to kill them selves and I hope they do it.

I just checked his post history and he claims to be an adult with a wife, which makes it worse. A grown man telling people to kill themselves unironically is discusting

We did it frens, his account got banned! We shall cherish this moment

Victory, frens!

It’s ok fren, there’s no need to be upset :)

So much for the frenly left :((


>hateful, miserable, irredeemable piece of shit. Fuck you.

>tells somebody to kill themselves

I could cut myself with that edge

Dont do it fren

haha he deleted his account

That nonfren is gone, and can no longer be a meanie to us!

u/zenfangers is a TOP MIND. As a TOP MIND he feels that others cannot keep up with his gifted intellectual ability. He sees us simple frens getting along so well and he becomes green with envy as he will never experience true frenship. Pity the nonfrens, for they know not why they are full of rage. Instead, work to include them!


u/zenfangers is a TOP MIND? Congratulations fren!

Looks like someone just had some steam to blow, ignore the poo poo man and have a glass of milky

They are wrong. I love you. We all love you fren.


sad fren hours

I'm here for you, fen

we all love you here

fren we love you, never let anyone tell you otherwise because we will always love you

u/zenfangers linked me to gay porn. That’s very unfrenly! I didn’t even know porn was allowed on reddit. Gross! These people should be put in bop chambers!

My fren, don't listen to that words, as you wouldn't care for a drink frens words. That hateful message is just he subconsciously asking for help, he wants to be a fren! Next opportunity we all should hug him and say we love him, as a fren.

Report to reddit fren

Very unfrenly

I'll always be here for you fren no matter what the nonfrens say

you aren't alone, you have us fren :^)

You are with us fren. We are always your fren, and always will be! no worries fren!

calls you hateful than proceeds to insult you these kind of frens badly need frenpill

sad fren hours

Thats a fucked up thing to say, especially in reply to someone denouncing his suicide jokes.

Nono he is contemplating why he turned down the hand we frens extended.

I hope not