Frens, Mom invited non-friends to my birthday party. They didn't bring anything, ate all the cake, and said mean things about me.

372  2019-05-04 by appropriatedusername



Fren you’re gonna make me cry

Mom should have invited frens like you.

I would bring with beef jerky paccs fren

I’m sorry fren. Nonfrens always take and take without giving. Here is a present just for you 🎁

Thanks fren. I told mom that non-frens would take advantage.

Hey fren. I know it's easy to feel sad when others make fun and spit on your life. It makes any fren feel worthless. Just remember, there's a community here that cares about every fren :)

Fren what. That's so bad, not even sure what to say. Who comes to a birthday party without bringing anything and are assholes when they get there? Hoping you have better fortunes onward fren as this seems like a really bad birthday to me. Did you at least have some other frens there?

Fren remember that your mom was trying to throw the best party of your life. Even if your non-frens are mean to you, your mom and us, frens will always be on your side. Happy birthday fren, hope you’ll have a good year!

We love you my fren!!!! Happy cake day here's a cake 🎂 and a present 🎁 !!!!

Its ok you’ll feel better

Fren just let them go and know other frens want to be there for ur fren party

Bop your Mom. Borrow her credit card and buy FrenBucks in Frennite.



I know what it is like fren

Jokes on them fren. I poisoned the cake.

I keep laughing at this fren!

I hope this is just a joke! Bop the non frens and cause a scene.

Dont worry fren u got a fren in mi

🛹 here green, have a skateboard present

Fren, say that to mom so it doesn’t happen agajn


So sorry to hear that fren. Don't worry though you have us frens here!

Do not worry, fren! We all have had our shitty birthdays, this is normal. Think positive: you've been alive for more 1 year! Isn't this amazing? You met so much people, did so much things... just one shitty day isn't that bad :) we are with you


Oh no fren. I hope those non frens change their ways. All frens need fren presents


I would bring with beef jerky paccs fren