Non-Frens, let us show you the way to frenship.

1015  2019-05-04 by jumperboy1314


You have a big heart fren, much bigger than the nonfrens

Wait... which one is Pepe 😳


Pepe is my weird uncle, fren

Very dank, fren!

This is the goal frens

Very wholesome fren

Very good artisting my fren!

this is from David Burt! Not myself! I’m sure David would love the compliment!

absolutely beautiful fren



that is the goal fren!

wow HD frens

This is frentastic great skill with the pen fren

david burt made it!!!



Such high quality frens! Good job fren👍🏼

Very nice drawing, fren! did you draw it?

No fren, David Burt did!

woah, this is some fine art, fren

The pepe holding the baby fren is reminding me of the frog from Flushed Away for some reason.

The 75 inch OLED fren!

Artist is David Burt for anyone curious <3

Very nice drawing fren, how did you get so good?

David Burt is the artist! Not myself, fren

Ok fren

That’s what frens are for.

Can I have scource for drawing fren?