top minds of reddit are stinky poopoo brains. dont worry frens, we will prevail

1422  2019-05-04 by -t00n-


top minds of reddit is a hate subreddit my frens

youre doing gods work my fren

Only thing apposed to hate isn't more hate it's more fren.

Why'd your post get BOPPED :(

Because I was schooling mods butt buddies.



there I made it authentic

Generalization is bad. Fren


If you do it to minority frens then yes it’s racial profiling.



The 1% is from fake frens. They're sneaking in and making us look bad

the meanie heads >:(

Bop the clowns and we can dance around

Isn't it a case where fake frens were here from the start posting that and real frens took over the sub?

Fake frens must have been here since day one as you can see their posts

Frens we must start a coup and reduce the fashfren fashmods to bop fodder!

A spectre is haunting frenworld, the spectre of communism.


Silly minds of reddit am I right frens


Fake-frens are infiltrating the subreddit to make us look like naht-sees.

Top minds is a fren sub, I once saw a frenly post there, and now they have been marked forever.

Nonfrens from topminds post fake posts for karma. Let them lurk more, and they will turn into frens I promise.

every subreddit has not see posts like the top one but the nonfrens just choose to ignore the fact that their frens can be meanies too.

This needs the sticky fren

Am sad fren

Jokes about longnose frens are funny. Jokes about paleskin frens are funny too. When we're all frens we can joke and have fun, it's what frens do

I really like the long nose friend joke shown in the post even though I am a long nose fren myself! Being able to take a joke is very frenly




I think it would be smart if we unfren the rudefrens though

Why is it rude to question hate speech? Questioning is free speech, fren. No one complains about nice frenly posts. If you keep nice, no complaints. Maybe what you really mean is, you want to make hate speech but not get your feelings hurt? Not how free speech works, fren.


frigging drumbf supporters! nazis all of them ban now!

All trump supporters support genocide., friend. Genocide is not frenly. If you want people to think frenworld isn’t a dog whistle sub maybe you should stop whistling so loud? Maybe you should keep the hate over in T_D and the frenliness in frenworld, no?

I wish Trump and the Republicans were half as badass as you hysterical ninnies claim they are

Why don’t you make your case, fren? I helpfully supplies a link for you.


dont worry frens, through the power of autism, we can beat them!

Jokes aside my frens. I'm new here and I love the frienliness of this frenworld. But I also heard some nasty unfrenly storys about u guys xD So how frenly are we all?


we are all best frens except for the nonfrens who make us look bad >:(

They condemn us for supposedly being prejudiced....but they’re being prejudiced towards us for just a few rotten apples :(

Why do those apples get so many upvotes, fren? Why does no one call out their sickening racism, fren? Good thing free speech is so important to frens so they welcome my frenly questions.


Good question fren... I just hope a fren will be able to answer it so I can understand if they are really a fren.


More like 99.9% family friendly posts my fren.

Then downvote the bigotry.


Its how you bring people in don't play dumb. You start by getting normal people in with pepe stuff and slowly ramp up being Nazis

Holy shit he's onto us

They just jealous cuz we have all the love and frens in the world

They seriously need to clean their act up if they wanna not get clowned


Top minds is a fren sub, I once saw a frenly post there, and now they have been marked forever.

there I made it authentic
