remember frens, frenworld never dies

203  2019-05-04 by DruggedChurch


Ah, the BOP. One of my favorite boppers you're holding there fren!

otherwise known as The Long Bop of the frenworld

What is it? G3?

These frens are carrying FALs

Made in frenisreal

Frenworld is worth fighting for

The cost of keeping frenworld free will never be too great!

Because we're all frens and we fight through thick and thin

We'll keep frenworld a free land and stop the nonfrens from coming in

We'll keep them north of the Zambezi, till that rivers running dry

And this mighty land shall prosper for Frenworld never dies

The blacks you mean. Why are racists such cowards?

cool it with the racist remarks big fren... you are the only one bringing up race.

its a joke not a dick stop taking it so hard NONFREN.



Remember, no non-frens

Keep nonfrens north of the Zambezi

Till that rivers running dry

Is racism frenly? Is stealing land frenly? Why aren’t there more frens pointing out the unfrenliness of this hate post? I thought frenworld wanted everyone to know they aren’t racists? Calling black people nonfrens doesn’t seem very frenly, does it?

I agree, fren

Downvotes from “bad apples.” Weird how the bad apples seem to outnumber the good apples. Must be a coincidence.

its an edgy joke ! feel free to make one yourself ! frenworld is full of frens with diffirent opinions, yet they are still frens.

legacy main stream media smear merchants ? yuck ! i get my news from well informed one man operations that i know arent being funded by others with a hidden agenda. The time of MSM has passed, now is the time of Alt-tech and persons with integrity !

How else would you find out about false flag gay frog chemtrails? Gotta stay away from that nasty liberal bias reality has.

well infowars isnt a one man operation is it ? for example would you say the same for Tim Pool or Styx ? i think they give a very good insight to the happenings and current events, they are clear with what political stance they have but still inform their audience with truth. infowars isnt Alt-tech either, they are stuck in the middle ground. i think many of you people convince yourselves that anyone that leans right only watches Fox news and underground crypto paywall facists lol. try to see the nuance fren.

It’s hilarious that you’re lecturing me about nuance while defending a white supremacy hub

Thank God those evil racists failed in their mission to stop the heroic Robert Mugabe from taking over Zimbabwe and turning it into the paradise it is today

Is it really that edgy to feel that the people fighting to stop dangerous idiots like Mugabe from destroying Zimbabwe weren't necessarily evil men?

in my opinion no, what happened to Rhodesia sickens me but other people get offened by the stupidest things.

Where is Fren? I can't see fren

Ah, my frens carrying the frenliest of nonfren boppers.

The can send non frens to murder, they can shout their words of hate,

But the cost of keeping frenworld free can never be too great,

For our frens and clowns are bopping,

For the things that we hold dear,

Frenworld and it's people will never dissappear

They won't stop at frenworld, frens.

Bop those floppy non-frens Rhodesian fren <3

It hasn't been called Rhodesia for many years boomer fren, they prefer Zimbabfren now.

He wishes it was still called Rhodesia just like everyone else in this sub. Back when they kept the nonfrens out, right fren?

I don't know bout all that, I have a few frens from from Zimbabwe and they seem frenly enough.

I’m sure you do. I know what kind of frens you mean.

There's clearly a communication problem here fren, what are you alluding to?

The frens I'm referring too went to the same boarding school as me, it wouldn't make sense to call their home country Rhodesia when they where born decades after the bush wars.

The communication problem is all on your end F.R.E.N.