Asked a non fren about why he is mean and he said this still hasn’t responded I just want Ed to know why people aple are so mad at frens

22  2019-05-04 by tweek493


Because fren, some people on this sub use frog memes as a thin veil for antisemitism and bigotry

I'm not sure that you are a fren.... You seem a bit unfrenly based on your post history!

I’m not, y’all fuckers are weird

That is very unfrenly indeed. People get bopped for that kind of unfrenlyness!


what is bigotry fren?

what is love fren?

no thats a lie, frens would never do that

i am not anti semantic i am frenly to all frens

We love all frens. Nosefrens, Dindu frens, kitchen frens, alien frens, etc.

exactly fren!

Yes fren