Hey frens, I'm not feeling so good. I'm being labeled funny words because I don't agree with everything.

250  2019-05-04 by JunkratOW


Most of reddit is not frenlee:(

Why do you think so fren ??

I dunno fren. I was born a different color from the other frogs so everyone believes I'm supposed to have strict non-fren views on the world. :l

I just want to be frens with everyone but they are telling me I can't be frens with you guys but I think they're crazy clowns.

That's too bad fren ! You are safe here ! By the way what are the non-fren views the clowns have ? What are your views fren ?!?

I think frens are being wiped out and that's not ok. I think clowns keep ignoring fbi statistics about my chocolate frens. I think it's funny clowns keep ignoring 900 frens died in 2018, and 700 frens dead so far in 2019 due to some very explosive non-frens bopping people in the name of owl-ah.


But for some reason frens are bad because some bad man did a bad thing on video.

13% of honklers commit 50% of honks 🤡🌎 the game was honked from the start 🤡🌎

In our hearts we are all green fren, you are save now

we will always accept our frens

What's outside isn't what matters; what matters is what's inside: frenliness.

We'd love to be your frens!

blacc fren is a fren too, blacc fren is great fren! Even better than elf fren!

name checks out

eldar are non frens!

we all have diffrences fren. it’s ok :)

Sad fren I will give hug


Hopefully being around some frens will cheer you up! Your views are valid and so are you fren

I don't think you're funny words fren

Don’t worry fren I’ll make you some chef Boyardee

You’ll always be welcome in FrenWorld ❤️

We all bleed green here fren c:

At the end of the day we are all frogs. Color doesn’t matter fren :)