Since so many non-frens are invading frenworld, my girlfren and I decided to escape by going to our secret chateau in the mountains

129  2019-05-04 by WakaTXranger


careful fren, she got crazy eyes!

Also a Satan apple for some reason? What going on here fren, lmao

Just coincidence fren, her name is Eve and she likes apples


Eve is her name in English, but it translates to Eva in certain other languages

What language would that be, "fren"?

Catalan, Czech, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish. It’s a very popular European name

Swedish aswell

Wow you’re not even trying to hide it fren

Hey fren. Couldn't help but notice we have similar names. Anyways, have a nice day.

I have to admit, yall get pretty creative with this shit. Unironically fun putting the peices together on some of these. Like a /pol/ hidden object game.

It’s just because she’s wearing contacts, fren. We both need corrective lenses because we can not see

looks like a lovely place fren! I bet youve done lots of great things there

It’s a nice peaceful place where I can make plans to protect frenworld


This one is pretty obvious

It’s meant to be. It’s a joke dumb fuck

What's the joke, fren? I'm too silly to get it.

That’s hitlers mountain chateau, op did this to gaslight brigadiers like this guy lol

Ohhh lmao thanks

He really really wants to see his own post on top minds.

yes.. that's.. it's a joke

It is. If you’re worried the nazis are returning by the distasteful ironic comedy of people posting Pepe’s on Reddit, you should check out actual 4chan. Lmao

Fren me and my other frens are playing crazy 8 later would you like to join

Sounds fun fren

Cool fren. Have a good time.

A great mountain retreat for a great fren

Using the dog fog horn

Wow you are ripped fren

Thanks fren, I work out


Sounds fun fren