unfrenly people make me sad...

648  2019-05-04 by DatagramOne


People should be more frenly - just like you fren :-)

That TSM hoodie won’t slide fren

if you wore a TSM hoodie it would make you sad

That TSM hoodie can slide for now fren, good reason

But is that cs tsm or lol tsm?

all frogs are frens

They are unfrenly but it is our job to make them frens

I dont like TSM frens :(

Doublelift very toxic

Isn't he on liquid now? Haven't paid much attention in a while.

Dunno. League gives me cancer.

I agree fren, league has a lot of non frens, but if you try to talk back to the non frens they will bop you :(

Shouldn't you be able to mute them or does League not have a player mute function?

It does fren, but after a while it gets too tempting to unmute, the communication in league would be so much better with a chat that only shows pings and a voice chat rather than text chat

I wasn't sure since I don't play league but it's good to know you can mute people being nonfrenly. Also in regards to voice chat people are sometimes as nonfrenly while using voice chat as people are with text chat, at least that's the case in Dota 2.

Yeah Liquid is in MSI now too

He is.

dont be sad and dont worry fren. in the end we will all be frens

TSM fans aren't frens, fren

But im tsm fans and frens :/

It's okay fren, we can be TSM frens no matter what other frens say

That whole sub is like a parody of itself, it's a bunch of lefties protesting against college debt, high rent, lobbying but end up defending the people who are responsible for all of it. I don't get it, is it a conflict of interest where they can't be antisematic or are they too stupid to see who is responsible for a majority of their complaints?

I think it's just an ignorance thing, they literally can't process anything that the funny teevee men or their very, VERY smart professors doesn't ensure them is okay. They also clearly have no joy in their lives (probably because of MUH DRUMPF) and take it out on others. They kind of just need to lighten up overall.

You got the nail on the head, I just got banned from there for defending a frenly cartoon. I feel sorry for them, they have no frens.

There’s very little ignorance present in /r/topmindsofreddit. If you actually took the time to read some threads there you’d see nuanced arguments and original humor pointing out the lack of self awareness & ignorance of the subjects at hand.



very unfrenly 🥺

No no! They are frens! They told me about frenworld. They are huffy and unfren because they hurt.

as much as i do believe some frens here are unfrendly there are people here that honestly just enjoy this wholesome and frenly content. pepe ans frens get bad raps because people want them to have bad raps. r/TopMindsOfReddit have already prank'd people into thinking all this stuff is unfrenly and that really makes me sad frens.

I can agree fren. They banned me for trying to be their fren and said I was a neon yatzee

I miss season 3 TSM, fren

I miss season 6 summer split TSM fren

Me too fren, that was my favorite season to watch

Yea, that subreddit is absolutely crazy.

this post has now appeared on TopMinds

"r/frenworld can't understand why TMOR isn't antisemitic."

TMOR is trying to be unfrenly again :-(

Dunno. League gives me cancer.

Yeah Liquid is in MSI now too

He is.

Shouldn't you be able to mute them or does League not have a player mute function?