Are Bosnian Frens accepted? They make yummy food

185  2019-05-04 by Firetesticles


Of course! Welcome fren :)

BOP! the girl fren can come through though


Yes fren you are welcome

I have lots of Bosnian frens

cool hat fren

No, Bosnians are mean to our Serb frens

But serbs are mean to our bosian frens too :(

no more fren wars

Stop it, frens! Diner is ready.

Naravno :)

all frens are welcome

srpska, krajania and vukovar serbs are frens too!

You can be a fren No matter your skin.


all frens welcome

we accept all frens no matter which great bopper they pray to

Yes! All frens are good frens

Of course fren! Let's make frenoslavia! Lots of love from a Serbian fren!

I once had good bosnian fren, glad to welcome another of his people