cant beliv you are neon yatzees what do frens

220  2019-05-04 by Avicythe


I’ll play yatzee wit u


Do whatever makes you happy fren!

but i don't know how to play yatzee :(

It’s easy, just put the dice in a cup and shake it around until they fall out!

thanks! in a neon yatzee now

no believe the nonfrens. nonfrens want to take all frens and send them to yathzee fourest. and not many frens play yathzee

We can be frens, sometimes I just want u to stay in ur pillow fort and I'll stay in mine.

but my pillow fort has pirates fren

I know fren, I'm sorry. And I know some of them operate out of my pillow fort behind my back. We gotta bop them together so we can both live as fren in peace.


Frens. 🤝🏻

lets bop these boys

but the non frens "are the captain now" ....

I welcome any frens who go through the legal process of entering my fort. Anyone who sneaks in is a nonfren.

As someone who is legally a Muslim and entered this country legally, I feel obligated to express that things were clearly stacked against my family. My dad had to pay a lawyer hundreds of thousands to keep providing paper work and eventually file a law suit against the immigration department. The immigration department lawyered up and then backed down right before the court date, admitting that they over looked somethings. Even though my whole family is atheist in reality, we were still treated like a potential threat to national security because of our background. I can atleast sympathies with people who have to flee the country, but don't have the resources to do it legally. My family was very lucky and we're still struggling to stay in the U.S.

Who cares?

The people who end up dying? Me? Anyone who isn't a self absorbed prick?

Why would they die?

Dumb question, but I'll answer it anyway assuming that you aren't trolling. In places like Syria (where I come from) there is always a chance a bomb is gonna go off and kill you since pretty much every group competing for power there does so by killing civilians. There was a bomb that went off on the same floor my dad works at. Had he been at the wrong place at the wrong time, he would've died before even knowing what had happened.

There's always the chance that those frens who claim to suffer from the non-frens in their home fort are actually non-frens themselves so you have to make fren-check before letting people enter

Banning an entire fort of people from entering or making it harder for them to stay if they've entered the fort won't stop terrorism. Terrorists can create fake passports or recruit people from different parts of the world through the internet. The easiest way to end terrorism is to disprove their ideology, to prove to them that the West isn't their enemy and that different communities can form an understanding so they can start to see western values such as freedom from a different perspective.

I love how there is an intense political discourse here and your saying non friend and pillow fort

Intense pillow fort fight

Stay in your own pillow fort and you wouldnt have these problems. You cant complain about our rules when you come to our fort!!

I would definitely have the same problems if I had stayed, and I definitely can complain about the rules since freedom of speech wasn't specified to people of your fort.

Keep your problems and go exercise your free speech in Syria then, we dont want them in frenworld.

I did exercise my free speech in Syria and I was threatened to be expelled with fake camera footage. The bigger picture is I could've been killed in Syria for free speech because it doesn't exist there, so the only place I can give my opinions is in frenworld. Do you guys not want me as a fren? Surely you would allow your fellow frens to make use of something as rare as free speech

I wouldnt care what you did so long as you stayed in syria

What part of I would be dead do you not understand? I entered this country legally, why do I not have a right to use the laws put in place here. Are you against freedom of speech or is it just Syrians that don't get freedom of speech?

I'm against immigration, and so against freedom of speech for immigrants.

Are you inbred buddy? What kinda disabled logic leads you to that conclusion, some of the greatest minds to shape the west were immigrants.

Albert Einstein - one of the most revolutionary physicists Steve Chen, Jawed Karim - co-founders of a little thing you might have heard of called YouTube Sergey Brin - co-founder of fucking Google

What the fuck have you done to contribute to the U.S.? Come back to me when you've created tens of thousands of jobs and contributed to the economy, then we can talk on whether immigration should be a thing or not.

You're not any of those people, come back when you are.

I'm not the one arguing that immigrants should be left to die in their country so a "no you" doesn't really make sense. If you think immigrants aren't good enough for your country wouldn't you have to be better than them?

Yes, I like my countrymen better than immigrants. I'm an ebil notsee like that.

What other reason can you have for not wanting immigrants, we've already established their good for the country I assume you like because they create jobs, contribute to the economy and develop science. If you can give me a good reason to why immigrants should stay in their country if their getting slaughtered in a war they don't want to be a part of, I'll apologise for implying your a notsee. Until then it sounds to me like your blaming your problems on out of touch ideas when you should be blaming your dad for fucking his sister.

What other reason can you have for not wanting immigrants, we've already established their good for the country

No we didnt

I assume you like because they create jobs, contribute to the economy and develop science.

No I dont really care about that materialistic shit

If you can give me a good reason to why immigrants should stay in their country if their getting slaughtered in a war they don't want to be a part of, I'll apologise for implying your a notsee.

I dont really care if you stay there, more that you just dont come here.

Until then it sounds to me like your blaming your problems on out of touch ideas when you should be blaming your dad for fucking his sister.

Being middle eastern theres a 99% chance you're more inbred than any American, but nice projection.


We'll take a few immigrants that can do that stuff. So like 4. The rest can stay in their shitholes and die

Sorry buddy, but it doesn't work like that and it's alot more than 4. Also why not save the average folks too, it's not like you're above average..

I don’t understand. It’s like you can say all these things and not see the connection. I sympathize with you, I do, but you’re complaining about how stacked against your family the odds were in immigrating while talking about coming from a place where you admit people attain power by killing civilians. Mostpeople in the western world don’t want civilians being bombed over political differences. So we have to be careful about letting people come here from places where that’s common. We have to make sure you mean it when you say “we aren’t coming here to do that thing that’s common in our homeland in your homeland”

Not the right place for this discourse anyways. But ultimately you sound like a reasonable person and I hope you’re doing well.

But all the trouble we went through had nothing to do with proving that we aren't a threat. I believe they do a background check if you're applying for refugee statues and I think that's a good idea. Banning several countries and making it as hard as possible for immigrants from those countries to stay won't help with terrorism, I would argue that it would radicalise more people. Trump's speech on having a Muslim ban was used in ISIS propaganda as proof that the U.S. really is the enemy of Islam.

Making sure that the people entering aren't a threat is a great idea, but banning several countries from entering at all won't prevent those bad people from coming. Terrorists can get passports from countries that didn't receive the ban, get fake passports or recruit people through the internet. I have no problem with taking precautions to prevent terrorism, I just have a problem with the way the U.S. does it. And thanks for being respectful in the way you present your opinion, that isn't all that common on reddit.

are you a fellow muslim fren?

yes fren :)

Selam fren brozzer

selam fren what pillow fort are you from?

Only muslims from couchcushionfortistan are frens.

Oh no! Does dat mean I’m not a fren? :(

Is okay, fren. Want play Monopoly?

Why top bullies do this

They don't want to take the frenpill

Neon is a pretty color. Be the brightest neon fren

In frenworld everyone is green.

Don't worry fren, unlike others we won't use you for your race, we just like you for you!

Do wholesome fren :D

Happy Ramadan fren!!

(Early)Ramadan kareem fren :)

Ramadan Kareem :)

What other reason can you have for not wanting immigrants, we've already established their good for the country

No we didnt

I assume you like because they create jobs, contribute to the economy and develop science.

No I dont really care about that materialistic shit

If you can give me a good reason to why immigrants should stay in their country if their getting slaughtered in a war they don't want to be a part of, I'll apologise for implying your a notsee.

I dont really care if you stay there, more that you just dont come here.

Until then it sounds to me like your blaming your problems on out of touch ideas when you should be blaming your dad for fucking his sister.

Being middle eastern theres a 99% chance you're more inbred than any American, but nice projection.

Sorry buddy, but it doesn't work like that and it's alot more than 4. Also why not save the average folks too, it's not like you're above average..

Only muslims from couchcushionfortistan are frens.

They don't want to take the frenpill

But all the trouble we went through had nothing to do with proving that we aren't a threat. I believe they do a background check if you're applying for refugee statues and I think that's a good idea. Banning several countries and making it as hard as possible for immigrants from those countries to stay won't help with terrorism, I would argue that it would radicalise more people. Trump's speech on having a Muslim ban was used in ISIS propaganda as proof that the U.S. really is the enemy of Islam.

Making sure that the people entering aren't a threat is a great idea, but banning several countries from entering at all won't prevent those bad people from coming. Terrorists can get passports from countries that didn't receive the ban, get fake passports or recruit people through the internet. I have no problem with taking precautions to prevent terrorism, I just have a problem with the way the U.S. does it. And thanks for being respectful in the way you present your opinion, that isn't all that common on reddit.