Going alien hunting today frens. There’s so many aliens here in New Mexico for some reason

64  2019-05-04 by WakaTXranger


Yea okay im starting to realise that this indeed a platform for racism, you lost a friend


Aliens are Frens too. You have to release 'em into the wild after catching them, just like fishies

Bls don’t be a nonfren :(

He was always a nonfren :( this is the only comment or post he’s made in the sub :/

waycism is for nonfrens

you are a nonfren

LMAO You people are so worked up over looking for Nazis and evil Conservatives, that you jump.over the slightest thing.

Fuck trump, Mexicans are the backbone of the US

No politics here fren



Hes literally talking about aliens. Like the Roswell Incident? Hello?

When I say fuck the orange man, I mean the guy who made my orange juice

Women frens can make orange juice too. Sexism is un-frenly

yeah a mexican

"Fuck Trump"

Whoa cool it with the anti-Semitism fren


Well Mexicans should be backbone of Mexico, seems like they need it more than we do.

As a Mexican you ain’t wrong lol

That was not very frenly

maybe friend take funny mushroom and see ufo? no shoot.

Defend frenworld!

Catch all those alien invaders!

Yeah ok, maybe the "non-frens" were on to something. No more lurking here for me.

Excatly my thought!

It's amazing how few people have ever heard of the Roswell incident

This is clearly what I’m referring to. Roswell isn’t even the only NM alien incident. Lots of aliens appear in the Southwest US desert.

They're obviously building an underground death laser to carve a crop circle on the moon and then blame it on the rednecks.


Why aliens want to come to this planet so often?

Because their homeplanets are shitholes

Non-frens will lie and say “all planets are equal” but I think Earth is 1000x better than Mars

You're missing out yum yum martian food 🛸 fren

frig off space nonfrens, we're full

Because US made their home planets bad and gross and poor because we wanted their resources and thought communism was bad fren 😟

This isn’t the movie Avatar, fren

But it’s true fren. We have a history of invading other planets or taking their resources or imposing our choice of dictators! The Planets in the Middle East galaxy are messed up because of us and Europa system.

Frens shouldn’t ignore history.

Why do you blame a few decades of European imperialism for the problems in the Middle East while ignoring centuries of Turkish imperialism?

Why is diversity America's greatest strength but the cause of war in places like Iraq and Rwanda?

Fren we are talking about space not Earth. I blame everyone and everything for ruining good places. But in this case I was talking about the Hispanic planets in particular per the monroe doctrine fren

You mean the Monroe Doctrine that saved Mexico from French imperialism?


I mean the Monroe doctrine that neoconservatives invoked to intervene and invade in Latin America. Even today they use it to claim they can support a coup in planet Venezuela. Things can be used for good and bad, fren. You’re welcome. 👍🏽

I'm skeptical of that fren, seems like an unnuanced examination of a complex situation.

But let's assume that was true. Amerifrens would have to be masochistic retards to let millions of people into America after wrecking their homelands.

These aliens, damn space invaders, been living among us for years, it's time to rise up and flush them out. We have the guns. Time to defend what's ours! Kill em all

Nice try nonfren, no fren will take this bait tho

But they do, they eat it up. Just got to dumb it down enough for austic retards to understand

Who hurt you and made you dis way? You edited the bad part of that comment put but you're still being very nonfrenly.

Kill all the fucking aliens? That's what op is doing now. That's what I do went I go alien hunting 👾 🔫

Take a look and reflect fren. We have treated you with frenlyness and all you have done is be mean. I hope you get better soon ❤

👾 🔫 🔫 🔫 🇺🇸

Mods bop this nonfren permanently bls

bop all intruders, fren

good luck fren, but watch out for nonfrens that glow in the dark, might have to bop them with your car

Excuse me fren I hope this is not a post disguised as racism. Frens dont do that right? :(

Ever heard of Roswell fren? Our the dozens of other alien sightings in NM?

