I created a Discord server for my bestest frens (which are all of you)

8  2019-05-04 by Jourdanis


Hi frens,


I have created a Discord server for all my bestest frens, which are all of you. Please use this link to join, frens:



The chance of us getting bopped by nonfriends is sadly real, and I want to make sure, I will have a place of frienliness, if the unthinkable happens.


Mod frens, tell me if you want me to delete a server, so that you can set up another one, if you so please. If this server is fine for you, and you message me here on Reddit, I will give you modfren rank on the Discord server. (Admin priviliges)

Here are two frens I promised to tag:



Thanks so much fren :D

I'll join as soon as I get off work, fren. My mobile won't let the invite work.

Thanks so much fren :D