Hey frens, i got a new flashlight! Anyone wanna tell spooky stories? I'll let you use the flashlight!

242  2019-05-04 by chewerboi


I wan tell spoopy stori

I love spooky stories! Go ahead fren, give me your spooky story.

i'm scared already :(

How come fren?

what if the stories are too scary for me? :(

I'm also a Wizad fren, so i can protect you from too spooky of a story!

oh my gosh an Actual Wizad

Just don't tell any stories about the unfrenly subreddits, or I'll get unfrenly nightmares

I’ve got one, once upon a time a bunch of scary not sees were on Rebbit and they pretended to not be not sees and had lots of fun and made frens

I know it doesn’t make any sense it’s the first story I ever made

That's too spoopy to be true, fren :(

Scared myself when I said it :(

I went to the bathroom once, and there was no toilet paper.

Fren, I've been there before, that story gave me a good spook.

Once there was a fren. Suddenly a non fren jumped out and said unfenly things!

That was real spooky fren

I was using my phone at home, and then I realised I was using my mobile internet instead of the Wifi :(

Ohno fren! That story really spooked me.

A way to fix that is to have your phone automatically connect to Wi-Fi when home. Your Wi-Fi settings may have an auto-connect feature.

But fren i don't like that my phone gets frens with all free Wi-Fi places and slows my Internet speedo. I like the fast speed in public places, but thank you fren.

That was real spooky fren