It’s been a tough last few weeks. Thank you for being such good frens

41  2019-05-04 by PhantomMen-Ass


Stay strong my fren!

We're here for you fren

I hope things start getting better soon fren! Whenever I'm in a bit of a slump i find making a change to something easy and in my grasp helps me get in a better mindset to start fixing other things. Things I've done to break me out of a bad cycle: -cleaned my entire house over a weekend. A nice clean environment helped me have one less thing to worry about. -cooked a nice meal from a recipe book, I always find a deep satisfaction when I make something nice. -made appreciation cards for my irl frens with chocolates. All these things dont take as much time/mental stress as fixing the big problems but they sure do make it all a bit easier! Good luck to you fren!