The Fren of the North!

490  2019-05-04 by TheBoomerQuestion


That Chapo nonfren isn’t allowed to be by horses anymore, someone should call the police

Admins refuse to do anything. Don't bother reporting. Leftist powermods aren't frens. Can we convert them?

I liked the picture, I gave you a upvote, here's my picture.



You aren't fooling anyone, non-fren.

Sorry Non fren no non frends alllowed

Unfrenly cavalry isn’t hard to deal with. Best way is with the Frentillery.


Don't worry fren, they're no match for our frenliness

Frens for the watch

Війна неминуча друзів.

Frens I am confused, why are we being attacked? What have we done to deserve this unfrenliness?

It’s not really what we’ve done, just how cozy we are and they can never be :)

This subreddit is just a meme dogwhistle for the far right, dont worry about it . Soon you will masturbate to The Golden One on youtube.

Why would I masturbate to a credit union? Also I could easily say the same about your subreddit being a dogwhistle for the far left fren.

You know who he is, but nice meme joke fren! * hearty laugh *

And what would "my" subreddit be?

Imagine being so triggered about a subreddit lmao

Imagine thinking that the critizism against this subreddit isnt valid. Either youre a useful idiot for the far right or just an idiot.

Why do you care about criticizing any sub though?

Fren, we’re not here to be alt right or nazis. You’ve been lied to by a few other misunderstood frens who happened to stumble on a few bad bad frens. They don’t represent what 40000 other frens are thinking. Pleas try to keep an open mind and settle in to the sub. We’re here to be positive, supportive and frenly. Nothing more.

Imagine being a Destiny cult follower and criticizing someone’s sexual history. Also, how many times have you nutted to Contrapoints and how do you cope with that?

Rofl, someone put in their homework. But yeah im not a destiny cult follower i just like to see him wipe the floor with your kind. You should debate him sometime.

Also fapping to contrapoints is less gay than TheGoldenOnes homofascism.



Maybe there is a reason so many people are against this subreddit?

Yes, non-frens are obsessive fascists who want every other human on the planet to be non-frens. Frens unfortunately face attempted extinction from the non-frens because non-frens project their unfrenliness on frens. We’re all just trying to be frens here :( why won’t non-frens be frenly??

Y'all need to get better at dogwhistling white genocide without it being so fucking obvious

What’s white genocide fren? I was talking about the non-frens rejection of frens and wanting to end the existence of frens. I’m not sure what frogwhistle you’re referring to either. The only ones who can hear a frogwhistle are frogs, fren. Non-frens just look for things about frens to be angry about


Its just the far right nationlism, nevermind that and just play along.

Far right nationalism is unfrenly, and you’re being unfrenly too. No non-frens allowed here unless you’re going to be more frenly

Fren! the far right is evil and all people should be accepted if they nice and frenly :)))

Yes, the nonfrens are evil

The Norf remembers...

you have my axe frens

And my bow frens
