Trust me frens, just a few bops and you can all be an average r/TopMindsOfReddit user too!!

587  2019-05-04 by ExpertSurprise


Brain damegg version 2

this is hard to watch, fren

If you dont get in here and get bopped voluntarily they're gonna call you a notsee!!



Step off, nonfren!

I thought anime girls were frens :(

So that's how top minds are forged.

You realise the "top minds" bit is satirical? They're not saying they're the top minds, they're taking the piss out of the right wing conspiracy theories that places like t_d like to promote

Sorry ur wrong fren, the users there have the most brane dameg. But looks like you've been bopped enough to go poast over there now. Good luck!!



Funnily they played themselves. In reality we know they are making fun of themselves by sarcastically saying they are top minds!

most top minds users are registered sex offenders, this was proven a few months ago

i'm not suspicious of you and your motivations, are you preying on the underage frens here?

If so, please provide evidence and I'll leave that sub immediately

another fren told me you sent him nude dm's after finding out he was underage, what is wrong with you dude

I’m bopped now hav brain dameggg fren

Now I think like the top minds frens

Those nonfrens can’t understand our frenliness

Confused... What happened fren?



It's simple fren-- if u wanna poast on tmor with getting banned, just let my fren here bop you a few times and you'll be just like all the other tmor users!

But why can't they be frens as well? I legit just found this sub, and have no clue what's going on in this little war

Let me give you the biggest green pill there is fren-- nonfrens are nonfrenly because they are nonfrens. Theres no changing and no way around that fact.

I kno it seems simple and circular, but it's the truth.

Man, you acknowledging that the logic is circular at the end was the biggest plot twist of all time. I cannot figure out how you're both aware of it and dismissing it, that's incredible.

I said it *seems* circular. It isnt tho. That's the green pill.

Brain dablage fren?

Its wut you need if you dont wanna get bopped on tmor. Everything has a price, fren.