can you not see??? i spent 20 hours yesterday trying to interpret what "fren" means!!!

1456  2019-05-04 by FoxDieEeE


"Uhmmm yes im "technically" unemployed and live in my parents basement, but making posts on reddit is activism and count as labor!!!"

Hey fren that's a cute straw man but maybe your time would be better spent enjoying yourself instead of worrying about mean people

you’re the f word that ends in aggot

Don't let nonfrens bring out the bad in you, that is what they want

Calm down fren remember we are frens

Don’t go down to the nonfrens level fren. It’s exactly what they want



You're right that's an accurate description of the average user of that sub.

everyone fren here, you too can be fren :)

It's ok, we can teach you how to fren.

If what a humen doesn't make fren of the professed conclusion then you can be sure they dishonest about their intentions and are nonfren.

Can fren make simpler?

"If you try to convince people that it looks and smells like a turd it's most like not a turd but you are" -Frenry The Great

Don’t listen to nonfrens they bad

Non frens like to replace frens with people who are not like us.

i am an intellectual! theres nazis frogs turning the water gay!

Fren ignore them, we have eachother and are better than them!

They can translate words into hatespeech, but they can't translate frenship into hatred.

The fren is not the one who is called fren, but the one who calls others his frens.

Very inspirational fren

They always complain about doggy whistles... my mind may not be top like theirs but I thought only dogs can hear those 🧐

Their mind 100% completed.

Just saying fren, the title of their sub is sarcastic, it is ironically calling the frens on subs that they're brigading top minds. The non frens are calling us idiots. :(

Yes fren, they enjoy sarcasm so we being sarcastic back :)

funny how they the only ones that keep hearing it..frogs dont hear dog whistles. maybe they need help with spelling fren dog...frog....i just dont hear the whistle

Fren, do not be mean to the nonfrens. Remember to overcome evil with good, fren! Don’t fall for it

How fren overcome flying nails with good, fren?

The person who attacks you, when showed compassion, will learn it and understand

Leave us alone topbullies

I think the current "no bully" school system produces bullies at larger rate than when there was a single bully who would just shut stupid shit up real quick.

but you don’t welcome mexican frens. why? mexicans need frens too?

No one said that. I suspect you are a nonfren. Be a shame if someone were to BOP you

people have said it. brown frens not welcome here.


because i’m brown?

again, nobody said that

The frog reich shall reign for a thousand weeks.

Is that you, Putin?

Yes, It is i. Now i must away to meddle in all the elections. Muwahahaha.

When will the nonfrens leave us alone ):

Reminds me of this:

Someone needs to do an edit, change the text to match TopMinds genius quotes - and make Cartman a fren, and the murderer AHS

"FREN OF NOTE" would for real be an amazing flair. Your inbox must overwhelmed.

Is there a certain age you have to be to be a fren?

No, frens can be found everywhere

Everyone is fren at birth, you have to be taught to be a nonfren

People of all ages, shapes, and sizes can be frens

as long as you’re white. i’m mexican and not welcomed here

How are you not welcomed here? Wtf

i’m sorry! i guess i’m welcomed! hello fren, from your mexican fren

You really are fren,just because we have some not-so-kind-frens here doesn’t mean no frens will accept you :)

I don’t wanna be involved with racism.

as a DWoC (Disabled Woman of Color,) I enjoy the friendly atmosphere around here and must say that is one cute frog! lol!


I'll bop you in half

Non fren say fren mean fascism




-bans anyone who critiques them

-uses alt right symbols

-blames Muslims for the fire in France

-hates anyone who disagrees with them

Reddit: “maybe they have right wing beliefs”

Frenworld “wtf were just using images why you so triggered lol”

Any proof of them using alt right symbols?

Any proof of someone getting banned after criticizing them? (Except for lefties that sneak around waiting for an opportunity to ban this sub)


Send the screenshots to reddit Admin, they'll be forced to shut the sub down! You do have the screenshots, right? I've been looking but can't seem to find any...

Left sub call us neo-nazis not they maybe rightwing

noooo not the muslims noooooooo

Post proof or get bopped.

What “alt-right” symbols lmao

Also there is literally no proof of any of this


Guess I’m Notsee now _(‘-‘)_/

this is maybe the most autistic shit I've ever seen

High level autist.

The non-frens can’t stand when frens make subreddits that aren’t for non-frens. To non-frens, everything must be non-fren

Fren, your comment has been removed

They won’t even let us defend ourselves fren :(

you must be very smart fren

Uh oh, TopFren brigader

I want to be fren, but don't want to be not see clown.

Fifth reich?

It’s the 4th reich

Wtf I don’t want to be involved with racism.

Their mind 100% completed.

Just saying fren, the title of their sub is sarcastic, it is ironically calling the frens on subs that they're brigading top minds. The non frens are calling us idiots. :(

funny how they the only ones that keep hearing it..frogs dont hear dog whistles. maybe they need help with spelling fren dog...frog....i just dont hear the whistle

They won’t even let us defend ourselves fren :(