When u are a Mexican Fren, and your confused on why Top Mind Of Honkers are calling u white supremacist

263  2019-05-04 by GLITXCHED


Maybe if Top Minds had more frens they could be a more frenly place


They are lonely and don't have frens, that's why they hurt others

they're just jealous that we have frens and they dont

that’s why we should make frens with them

Non-frens are always projecting, fren

That is a very cool hat, fren! I wish you would not smoke though, I want you to live a very long and healthy life.

They’re jealous of all the frens we have.

Frens to the left, frens to the right, we frens with every fren in sight.

Were fren supremacists here because frens are best!!

Frens truly are genetically superior to nonfrens. Nonfrens can just become frens though!

¿Cómo sería la traducción al español de fren, fren?

I believe it would be something like "migo"


Just letting you know I’m also a mexi-fren. I love this community, if only the Top Minds stopped acting so unfrenly.


I'm a north-african fren, how I can be a white supremacist fren :(

I just love my frens >:(

Friens all over the globe and they say we're nazees! Maybe we can teach them our frienly ways peacefully!

Anarchofren here, they keep callin me a fashionista and I don’t like it!

I can relate, I'm a Chinese fren...

Ayyye a mi tambien, fren :/

Nicaraguan fren here! I am confused as well fren

And I'm latina, lmao

I Love how frenly world is so amazing that we have all kinds of people

This.... I needed this it perfectly describes me. I just got called a white supremacist all i could reply was. Que?