Frens, I am still completely broken from my ex dumping me 3 months ago and she has prom back home tonight, scared she'll be with another guy ): help me not be scared frens

135  2019-05-03 by DominiFettucini


Fren, you have to try to let go and move on. Now, this is no small feat and try to talk to others and not bottle everything up in yourself, even telling everything to a pet often helps. If you need someone to talk to me and all the other frens are here for you. I'm from Norway so 99% chance we won't meet randomly. Good luck!

Thank you my fren, I have talked a lot to all of my frens here at college but I have not been able to get out of the hole she put me in. It's just so hard keeping her out of my head, especially tonight. Thank you for the support my fren 👊

aswell as not bottleing up stuff fren, try not to turn to the bottle aswell fren. remember its just a temp solution as that escape is not forever. i belwive in you fren, stay frenly!

Time heals all wounds fren. I've been there years ago and now I laugh about how I felt back then.

that is so wholesome, you are a good fren

Don't worry fren life goes on and your happiness will be as great as anyone else over time. Sorry it's a rough time fren.

It’s ok you will be alright


The girl I loved started dating the guy she told me not to worry about a couple days after I broke up cause I couldn't see her keep flirting with him. It's takes time to heal a broken heart.

It's okay fren, think about how stronk you will be at the tail end of this experience. You need to grow and move forward.

Self-improvement, self-improvement, self-improvement. You have a lot more free time and disposable income now. Don’t waste it thinking about someone who treated you poorly. Pick something you’ve always wanted to try and DO IT. Learn a new language, start a martial art, run a marathon, ANYTHING.

Fren, we are here for you, if fren sees her with unfren guy, we shall be there to comfort fren

These hoes aint loyal amirite me fren?

Unfortunately not my fren.

basically just imagine her on the toilet

Keep calm and honk on

You’re not alone fren I’m here now fren I feel you :)

Me too fren. It fees goodn’t when i see her being happy and moving on. Get better fren!! Goodluck!

I feel that my fren /: let us move forth to the future of frenliness together

I got sent here from a sub claiming this place is basically ww2 but I don't really care because then i saw this post. You have to realize that you are going to be ok. You might be sad because in your head you saw a future play out 1000 times that you were happy with.

Take this time to think of new futures that dont revolve around her. It can be anything no matter how stupid you just have to look for something to look forward to. Stay away from drugs and alcohol for the time being as ive seen that ruin people in a vulnerable state. You can do it.

Thank you my fren. I'll try that.

abduct her fren and burn her body it's the only way to be sure she isn't going out with another man

You will be ok fren. You will find someone

She got rammed by a black guy you cuck.

That's not frenly, fren

I'll tell you a little story fren. Once I dated this girl for four years in high school. She was pretty cool but we'd fight over stupid stuff all the time (pretty typical imo). I realized over time that the fighting was stupid but I still liked her regardless. Somewhere along the line, though, it started to become more apparent that we were becoming two different people. I had begun to question my faith in religion whereas she was becoming more pious. I think she resented me for the fact that we had done a lot of sexual things together over the course of our relationship. In her mind, I think I tainted her or something. Anyways, I wanted to be honest with her and tell her what my feelings were about faith. I thought that if I was honest with her, she would respect me more. There was a part of me that wanted her to try and convince me that I was wrong. After all, part of being religious was spreading the good word, etc. I wanted to be wrong and I thought it would be a good way to draw us together. And if it didn't, at least I wouldn't feel guilty about hiding something from her that I thought might be deal-breaker if she ever found out some other way. That day when she came over, I told her the truth. She seemed shocked yet supportive. We did le sexy things that night. Over there course of senior year, she started hanging with her friends more. She went to an all girls school and I went to an all boys school. She'd hang out with her guy friends more and whenever I tried to tag along, she'd always say that she just wanted to have time for her friends and time with me to be separate. Of course I had red flags going off left and right, but she assured me otherwise and I had little choice but to trust her. After all, these had been her friends for all of high school, it's not like I could just tell her not to be friends with them anymore. And it wasn't like I didn't have friends of my own either that I didn't see. Well, I'm sure you know where this is going, but gf decided that she didn't want to be with me anymore and did it in probably the shittiest way possible. At our prom, she went with one of her guy best friends that she specifically told me not to worry about. I'm pretty sure they are still dating to this day. It sucked for months. If I'm being honest, I probably wasn't normal for maybe a year afterwards, maybe longer. It wasn't so much the fact that I thought we'd be together forever or anything, but the trust was broken in such a way that I didn't know if I wanted to really trust other people in the same way again. I ended up going to my prom as well with a girl I was friends with. It was a super nice time. I saw my ex and her new bf there but for some reason, I didn't really care that much. Even if I had gone alone, I don't think It would have phased me. I can't really explain why, but I think it was because I was surrounded by my actual friends and I knew that stuff like this happened all the time. I didn't want it to ruin what would be the only senior prom I would ever get. Years later, she contacted me and apologized for what had happened. As it turns out, she was pressured by a lot of people into thinking I was sinful and she didn't want to go down that path. It was something that was very important to her at the time, but she still cared about me. She didn't know what to do and the result was just a shit show. She didn't want me to hate her and I forgave her. We don't talk anymore, but I still see a rogue social media post from time to time. I realize now that the breakup was probably one of the best things to ever happen to me. It's not out of resentment or spite that I say this. In the end, it was important for me to realize that people are complex, sometimes so complex that they don't understand their own emotions or convictions themselves. As much as I wanted to hate her for what appeared to me as a very intentional action it hurt me, I couldn't deny that everything she told me made sense under the circumstances. Staying with her would have been a mistake. Today, we are two very very different people that I imagine would lack any meaningful compatibility. I'm no longer attracted to her sexually for various reasons and over the years I have met so many people who complement me more. I recently got engaged to the girl of my dreams and I know that the trust we have together is far greater than what I had experienced before. So what's the point of all this? I guess, I don't really know fren. But I don't think you should be scared tonight because you have no idea what mysteries life has in store for you. Many things in life are unpleasant, but many other things are the most pleasant surprises you could ever imagine. Don't let the bad surprises ruin the whole.

Thank you so much my fren. I appreciate that story. What happened with me was similar in some ways, and it's good to know that someone that was so effected by that ended up with a happy outcome. I've been so distraught over how it's been three months and I am not able to be the person I was, but my fren, I must keep pushing I guess because it just takes a long time sometimes. Thank you my fren.

Id recommend some light drinking and a good movie fren, it’s a good temp solution. Once you’ve picked up the pieces in your head, self improvement will build the lasting changes. Getting involved in a gym, or a new hobby, or learning something new is the best way to forget about the old. The best part is no matter what you pick up it’ll become a healthy crutch for you the rest of your life. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone through a rough spot only to get out of it with my guitar and a little exercise.