Soon, frens... Soon.

246  2019-05-03 by MartyrSaint


Well I’m a fren, and it says frens only so what’s the plan

You’ll see in time, fren. You’ll all see.

Yay cataract surgery thx fren

Do any frens have any extra duct tape? I’ve run out.

I do, fren!

I duct taped myself to my chair in case nonfrens try and push me off!

Smart fren

Is this a plan to help protecc frens?

The Fren race will be victorious

This has nothing to do with running, fren.

I am on the edge of my seat fren.

oooo im hyped fren!

i ductaped my screwdriver my a microwave because youll never know when youll want to see fireworks!

What ya doing there fren?

God’s work, fren.

Many blessings upon you fren

Such suspense fren

I am very excited fren. I wish you the best of luck. Tell me if you need any help.

Yay cataract surgery thx fren