regarding the recent controversies... (turn your sound on, frens)

1163  2019-05-03 by BaconToez


Beyoutefol vidya fren. I cont believe non fren think we notseez!

But frens do sees!! how frens are notsees??

why nonfrens be mean?

Good stuff fren

should be a sticky, /u/FoxDieEeE


The ending scared me.

alas, it has yet come to pass. its okay theres always a fren around the corner no matter what happens.

don't be scare fren

Frens are peaceful to everyone, accept everyone, except non frens. BOP THEM!

This is the shitpost of the year, someone give this fren gold.

do not fret frens we are all togethers

Great post fren, I saw a lot of my frens in the video 😊

Yay my fren made it into video!


Non-frens are the ones who are not sees. They arent see in that they are the bad onees

I think I lost my ability to hear, fren...

don't worry fren, you still have a few other major interpretive senses to use.

Like Hugging senses those are the best fren

The frenliest senses :)

do u have a folder for all these photos fren...

wow u are amazing fren

if you dont have a frog fren folder already, its a good time to start fren

i have 60 right now but i can always have more!

You can share with frens your 60, fren.


Gaben fren?

just browse top of all time fren

Sun is shining in the sky


Nonfrens guider by feelings, especially resentment. Big meanies feel inadequate so blame personal dissastifactions on society instead of self. In true incapability style, ask someone else to remedy situation by calling on big to take care of them. Very sad, reliant people in general. I hope they can become frens!

This is very good fren! Nice job

I like how the nonfrens are too cowardly to directly message anyone who espouses notsee rhetoric yet they can dedicate ridiculous amounts of time to framing a bunch of people who're probably on the spectrum, myself included, via posts on their exclusive subreddit.

This is art, fren. Make more.

will do, fren

Hmmmmm choky chibb is flavit chibb

Best thing a fren can do, is ignore non-frens who don't know how to be frenly. They don't have no frens because they aren't frens to themselves.

Mr. Blue Fren please tell me why the Top Minds are undress :(

Yay two of my fren posts made it in!

What’s the name of the song

Mr. Blue Sky

Mr. Fren Sky

FREN you are so talented be very proud.

Fren 100

A bit of a serious comment fren. People say this sub is filled with alt-right Nazis, but I'm a left leaning centralist. I'm literally here to be a fren and to look at frenly frog pictures.


No one cares just be frenly its not that hard

We don't judge based on political beliefs unlike other subs fren!

Even commies are welome here

I'm a center-right libertarian. Me too.

Left? Right? Up? Down? Cat? Dog? Frog? Toad? No. Here you are not any of those. Here you are fren.

A true mastapiece

We have the most artistic frens!

does this mean i own the sub now?

It means you own this post!

O H B O Y !

Electric light orchestra! Good fren music!

Made me smile!! Thank yoo

I love you frens

but really.... its really dumb peeps still think frog = not see because of dumb 4chan :(

Fren this is the best thing ever on Reddit I’m proud of you fren



Yay my fren fries post was in there ☺

how couldn't i include those incredibly well-prepared frenfries?

Thank u fren i hope you enjoyed dem


while im not a part of this community, i found it absurdly brave to take something thats considered a hate symbol and make it cute, inoffensive and relatable. good job frens, good job.

Fren, you don't understand the Internet, but it's okay. There never was anything unfrenly about Apu.

We need a long version. Love it

This is truly the work of a godlike fren

Great song choice fren, ELO is fantastic


Quality post fren top kek

I’m showing a top mind of reddit user this video. I’m trying to fite with good not evil. No hard feelings towards nonfrens. Only clowns


What's the song fren

Mr Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra

they cant get rid of us frens if we dont break any rules? right? right?

I’m just here because it’s funny watching idiots sperg out calling is Nazis

Henlo fren can i have a link to image of windows 10 fren at 0:26 please?

I loved this video, fren. I hope you can more one a bit longer containing more frenly images :)




No one cares just be frenly its not that hard

We don't judge based on political beliefs unlike other subs fren!

Even commies are welome here

I'm a center-right libertarian. Me too.

Left? Right? Up? Down? Cat? Dog? Frog? Toad? No. Here you are not any of those. Here you are fren.