The Frentorian Guard shall protect Frenworld from non frens!

386  2019-05-03 by You_got_a_fren_in_me


what happen to eye fren?

The Frentorian Guard went in for a hug and the non frens went in for a swing :(

Nonfrens can't be trusted

I came. I saw. I hugged.

Veni. Vidi. Ego amplexus.

Now I wish I didn't drop latin..

Actually it's funny because amplexus is basically "sex" in Latin, but as soon as you start adding descriptive words it becomes things like "embrace" or "hug." I'm not an expert but I remember the basics from jr high. Funny what sticks with you after almost a decade

thank you for your service, fren


This is a fren only zone

Why are the arrows rainbow colored?

adam and eve, not adam and steve

I think Adam and Steve can be frens, what's wrong with that?

Thats non frenly, fren. The arrows are just shot from clowns is all :)

Clown arrows :D

Roma frenvicta!

Frenworld invicta

I'm so glad to have frens like you

Frenworld invicta!

Fren, is that ketchup on the stabby bopper?

Long live the fren empire.

You are so brave fren.

fren why is the emperor dead

Thamk you fren

Didn’t the frentorian guard murder the Caesar like 10 times? Kinda makes them seem a little unfrenly


No that was the praetorian guard. The frentorian guard were picked from Rome's finest huggers.

Yea, in the late years they kind of controlled who was in the position.

Such a brave fren protecting us all from the non frens

We are battle bubbies.


Oh no you cut your eye fren!

adam and eve, not adam and steve

Clown arrows :D