Why are they so mean to us Frens? :(

696  2019-05-03 by grisfrallan





fren, posts like these dont make our case better... i know your heart is in thr right place fren. well get through this. bulllies go away if we ignore them.

These kinds of bullies do not go away. Our existence is what angers them.

I dream of a future where a fren will not be pursecuted for the color of it's skin! But for the frenliness of it's character!

Only fake frens let bullies do and take what they want, say no to bullying


I cant reed so many werds fren

The mods at TopMinds are retarded. Legit, they can't seem to fathom that some people don't know that dodgy posters inhabit the sub, then they proceed to insult us for not knowing. Rude twits they are. Then when I reply to them, they get all self righteous and uppity, saying that I'm being defensive and shit. Fuckers don't even read the reply properly.

can most of them even read fren?

I got bopped after calling one of them autistic, it was worth it

But some frens have autism. Good frens don’t use it as insult.

fren, do you need a hug

Non Fren world can make one sad, if one goes to non fren sub they must pass through the hug quarantine zone on the way back in.


Don't go there Fren it will only make you angry, be one with the fren.

Can't get rid of US if we are frenly.

They don't understand the concept of fren

could you explain it?

The concept of fren is the golden rule, but we do nothing but be kind, even if they are mean to us frens.

That can't be all there is to it, but I'm guessing you won't tell me

you don't think a sub like this could exist? r/wholesomememes is similar but pepes are nice.

all the power to all the people

It's about positivity, helpfulness, encouragement and individuality. The character and his theme as a helper in that regard have been used to convey the message a lot longer than this sub and any 'secondary uses' for the meme. You need to lurk and eventually participate to 'get it' and anyone telling you otherwise is a diseased, controlling prick who doesn't want you to discover truth for yourself.

I've been here for like 5 months now and I still don't know who exactly the non-frens are. Only answer I get is some dodgy shit. I like the sub but if I'm not welcome here because of my skin then I'd rather just leave

Non-frens are those who want to bop us

Can I get an actual answer or what

It's always the same response "OoGa BoOga non-frens are thE onEs who BoP uS"

The top minds of Reddit sub say we’re nazis and want to ban us

Yeah but are you tho? Who are the non-frens?

No I’m not, most of us aren’t it’s just a few people that people like to cherry pick to put us in bad light. Non friends are people that’s hate us for whatever reason

Non frens are people who aren't nice and cool. Frens are nice to everyone regardless of trait-erinos. It's that simple :)

They are obviously Nazis or white supremacists.

Non-Frens are people who oppose them but also all black people and minority ethnic groups

http://imgur.com/gallery/ Like c'mon it's obvious that they are talking about creating an ethno state.

nice link!

You just haven't been exposed to enough Frenliness. We can teach you to fren.

Those are bad frens.

They are obviously Nazis or white supremacists.

The minority doesn't indict the majority.

Non-Frens are people who oppose them but also all black people and minority ethnic groups

Depends who you ask, for many, non-frens are just rude twits, for the Nazis who snuck in, you know what it is.

Nonfrens are people such as clowns and nosefrens, they are, as the name implies, not frenly. They are not allowed in the frenostate.

Y can’t you just be frenly :(

Am I a person with brown skin allowed here or not

Yes now bls jus be frenly

All frens are welcome no matter the color. Being a fren just means you are nice to people, supportive and want to make life more positive not pnly gor yourself but for others. :)

Nonfrens are people who want to push negativity, ignorance, discouragement and other unhelpful attitudes on us. You can question what all of that means, but you're not going to get a more clear answer than that because this isn't a video game. It is a community of individuals who get to share different (deceptively complicated) ideas about what the above means to them. Again, anyone who pushes a concise, unambiguous story about frenworld doesn't get it and wants to force you to see it their way in order to satisfy their diseased, nonfrenly thinking

Too many werds now my head hurts

Sorry fren, sometimes you have to be that way.

Anyone who is frenly can be a fren. Pls so swear that’s not frenly.

It's really simple, just be Frenly!

Also, (and I can't stress this enough), don't be un Frenly.

They hate us cause they aint us.

They hate us cause they anus???



Brilliant depiction of the average redditor cherry picking posts to make this sub look bad

So better moderation is needed?



You miss the point.

Only frenly moderation is needed, and moderation is frenly, therefore there is no need.

We have good moderation, most racist posts get deleted right away.

All the cherrypicked posts are old

100% those posts were just karma farming to sell accounts.

What even is this?


They hate us cause they anus???

Can I get an actual answer or what

It's always the same response "OoGa BoOga non-frens are thE onEs who BoP uS"